Strange happenings have been caught on camera at one of England's most haunted hotels, where furniture appears to move by itself.
Visitors claimed they can hear voices at Ye Olde Kings Head, which is now a full-time ghost-hunting inn.
Paranormal investigators visited the former brothel last Friday with dozens of cameras rolling throughout the night.
At around 12.14am, a chair appeared to violently pull itself out from under the table, followed by a ghostly voice saying "he's coming".
The hotel, thought to be one of the most haunted locations in England, is now a full-time ghost-hunting inn called My Haunted Hotel.
Paranormal investigator Danny Moss recalled seeing a strange mist swirling around one of the cameras while overseeing an investigation in the downstairs bar area.

The Haunted Hunts star and fellow investigator Brett Jones were looking carefully at the monitor from the control room when suddenly something caught their eye.
In the next moment, one of the old wooden chairs appears to force itself away from the table.
“We were confused as to what this was and then suddenly, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye,” Danny told

“When we reviewed the footage back we saw it was the chair. It had been a very quiet investigation for around three hours and then we suddenly noticed a strange swirling mist around one of the cameras in the old brothel section.
“Brett and I immediately ran into the room and actively tried to explain the situation and we found no rational or scientific explanation for why the chair moved. It's simply a paranormal moment."

But there was more spookiness in store for guests that night it seems, as the hotel lived up to its name.
Danny added: “We also captured a disembodied male voice which was extremely disturbing.
"This was captured in room two at exactly 12:21am which is whilst Brett and I were trying to debunk the chair moving. We only noticed this the following day whilst reviewing the cameras.

"The voice says 'he's coming' and at the time the only people in the building were our two guests on the bottom floor and we were in the brothel section at the time.
“The entire top floor was completely empty which is where room two is situated. There is no explanation for this voice.”
The hotel in Chester, which dates back to the 1600s, has served a number of purposes including a coach house and notably a brothel.

The team was hoping to uncover more about its past and discover what entities lie within.
Danny said: “We have a fairly good understanding of what we believe haunts the location but to say 'this was a male or a female' would be unprofessional of us as we deal in hard evidence.
“The entity that moved this chair clearly has intelligence and that's unnerving as well as exciting.”
The team continues to investigate.