An urban explorer has uncovered an abandoned house with a kitchen stocked with drinks and a child's forgotten doll in the bedroom. Eerie pictures inside a once vibrant family home in Georgia, America, have perfectly preserved what life was like for one family in the 1980s, before they got up and walked away from their home.
Explorer Leland Kent, who is known by his online alias Abandoned Southeast, toured the house after hearing whispers about it. Writing on his blog, he said: "Deep in the heart of rural Georgia sits this grand, two-story farmhouse. Constructed in the mid to late 19th century, the house has undergone several renovations throughout its lifetime.

"Several calendars still hanging in the house suggest it was last occupied in the early 1980s. The family of the original owners still live on the property nearby and keeps a close eye on their old homeplace."
While it remains unknown why the family decided to move, it seems they started afresh in their new house, as they left behind many of their furnishing and belongings.
In contrast to the 19th century splendour of the outside, images from inside show empty litre bottles of Pepsi and Coca Cola in the kitchen alongside a half full bottle of pure apple juice, likely fermented at this stage.

Another shot shows the bedrooms with a variety of four poster beds, floral drapes and bed skirts reminiscent of the 80s interior décor style, with even a child's doll neatly placed on one of the beds.
Barring a few cobwebs and surface dust the beds are perfectly made as if ready to be slept in and most rooms appear easy to manoeuvre inside, with most of the clutter being kept in the dining room and living room.
After sharing pictures of the property on his blog, Leland has received a lot of comments about the fact that the inside does not match the outside and it is such a pleasant surprise.

Commenting on his post, one user said: "I knew from the second I saw the first pic that I was going to love this house and I was right.
"What I don’t get is why the original owner(s) opted to let the house sit fully furnished for 35+ years empty and uncared for.
"It is such a beautiful house, that they could have sold instead of letting it sit abandoned for so many years, especially since they still live on the property nearby.
"I would buy it in a heartbeat with everything in it. It is such a waste to let this lovely house go to ruin like that."
Another user added: "Such a beautiful house just wasting away. It would be nice for someone who could purchase it and restore it just like it is setup!"
A third user said: "It’s such a magnificent home and has such beautiful things left in there.
"I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want to live there or at least do something with the home - and leave all the stuff in there."
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