Images show inside an abandoned farmhouse where its former landlady was murdered during the Victorian era.
One image shows clutter filling the house including an unused exercise bike covered in paint, while in another room we see an Autocars magazine dated 1964.
The owner’s vintage fireman uniform is still hanging up despite not being worn for decades.
The farm is located on Ribchester Road, near Longridge, Lancashire and has a very complex history including a crime, being known officially as Setters Farm the building first started life as a public house known as the Joiners Arms.
The Joiners Arms was associated with that of the murder of the landlady Ann Waine in 1862, when she had been robbed, bound, gagged and then beaten to death she was found with injuries including a fractured skull, broken nose and a handkerchief stuffed in her mouth, which caused her to suffocate.
Four men were charged with the murder and sentenced to death her spirit is still said to haunt the grounds.

According to neighbours, the last occupants of the were an elderly couple, with the man of the house served as a firefighter in the National Fire Service.
It now stands a dilapidated shell of its once former glory with the family possessions left to rot and decay away.
These images were captured by urban explorer Kyle Urbex, from Leeds, UK.
“Once arriving it was clear the amount of neglect this property had suffered. Every window was smashed to bits and memories thrown across the floor,” said Kyle.

“I did uncover some truly heart-breaking memories however such as the owner’s old fire uniform, which he would've gone to work every day in.
“Not to mention the endless amount of family photographs strewn across the bed and the floor.
“This made it feel quite eerie in a way given the fact of all the history this site has seen.

“Its such a sad story when you read the background now to let it be left like this is truly a crime.
“I did enjoy this one just because of how frozen in time the property was and all the memories remaining inside.
“A true time capsule and one I'm glad I got to complete that's for sure.”