An urban explorer has discovered an abandoned 'hoarders' church full of other people's belongings.
Grant Vincent, who published the scenes on his Instagram page, says he was shocked by the sheer number of things inside the church.
'Hoarders' Church,' as it has become known, was built in the early 20th Century and sits 30 miles from Perth, Scotland, in a small village surrounded by hills.
From the 1980s, it was inhabited by hoarders who used the church to store their many finds such as a baby's Silver Cross pram, children's toys and old books.
The church also houses magazines which line the floors and household appliances, whilst its traditional church architecture remains in place.

Images of the Church show floral mattresses from days gone by, where the hoarders would have once slept, remain on the floor of the church.
But even these areas were not free from clutter - and were covered with objects like tapes, books, and artwork.
Grant also found record player placed next to a teddy bear, as well as a makeshift altar comprising flowers, wine, candles, and a book - which appears to have suddenly been abandoned.
From the outside, the building appears to be a church unlike any other with a cross on the top and gravestones that surround it.
And despite its neglect, the building's glorious stained-glass windows remain intact and take centre stage.
In front of the windows lie row after row of shelves covered in piles of books.

Grant Vincent ( @_grantventures ) captured the unusual scenes inside the walls of 'Hoarders' Church'.
He said: "I was shocked by the sheer number of things inside the church, there was literally everything.
"During the exploration, I really didn't know where to start with taking pictures as there was so much going on from piles of books and old pianos to Silver Cross prams and stuffed toys.
"I kept going back and forward between spots in the church and finding something else to take a photo of.
"It was sad, however, to see the state of the church."

And due to of several years of neglect, exploring the church wasn't an easy task, Grant explained.
"Parts of the floor had collapsed, meaning you had to be careful where you stepped," he said.
"The floors were mostly covered in 'stuff' so it wasn't obvious where it was safe to step.
"Overall, this was a great explore that made for some interesting photos."