Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao are at the Gir National Park to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their family on Sunday. The actor and his family will be spending time at the national park and were seen leaving for a three-day wildlife safari.
Before starting his safari, the actor met a large number of his fans who had gathered to watch him. Aamir shook hands with them and then sat in a special gypsy before leaving for his three-day Gir safari.
Aamir and Kiran will be celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary on December 28. Their son Azad, Aamir’s daughter Ira, and his nephew Imran Khan and his daughter Imara also accompanied them.
Aamir had earlier recounted his love story with Kiran. “I met Kiran when I was doing Lagaan (2001). She was one of the ADs (assistant directors) on that but at that time, we didn’t have any relationship, we were not even great friends. She was one of the people on the unit. It was after my separation and divorce after some time that I met her again,” he says in the interview. “In that moment of trauma, her phone came and I talked to her on the phone for half an hour. And when I put the phone down, I said, ‘My God! I feel so happy when I talk to her.’ It struck me in that instant that when I am talking to her I am so happy,” he had told a Chinese channel.
On the work front, Aamir will be next seen on the big screen in the Hindi remake of the Tom Hanks starrer Forrest Gump. The remake is titled Laal Singh Chaddha, and is directed by Advait Chandan and also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan.