An all-star line-up of DeFi and Web 3.0 innovators and change makers from across the world will be speaking during "REDeFiNE Tomorrow 2022", which will be held virtually on July 21 and 22 from 8am to 5.30pm.

This is the third edition of the annual worldwide virtual summit presented by SCB 10X, the venture investment arm of SCBX group, to discuss the future of decentralised finance (DeFi) and Web 3.0, also known as the third-generation internet.
This is an opportunity for everyone from around the world to hear from DeFi and Web 3.0 thought leaders who have experienced cycles of economic downturn. They will provide informative sessions on how to navigate a bear market, how to discover emerging opportunities, and what to anticipate during these tough times.
According to SCB 10X, this bear market is an opportunity for DeFi and Web 3.0 projects to focus on building and expanding ecosystem, as well as paving the way for future innovations.
Around 40 renowned speakers will participate. They include Michael Arrington, founder of Arrington Capital; John Wu, president of Ava Labs; Robert Leshner, founder of Compound; Wayne Chang, co-founder of Spruce Systems; Michael Gronager, co-founder of Chainalysis; Anton Katz, co-founder of Talos; and Tarun Chitra, founder of Gauntlet.
The conference will be conducted in English. There is no admission fee.
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