A baby black bird is on the mend after it was dropped on a pavement by a magpie in Tyldsley and a worried couple gave it some life saving tweetment.
Anne Thompson, an electrical fitter, was walking in Tyldsley when she says a magpie flew out in front of her, was startled and dropped the little chick, which it had in its beak, on the pavement in front of her.
Worried Anne, noting the tiny little songbird had hardly any feathers and what looked an injured head, picked him up from the pavement and held him for half a mile as she walked home to her address, where she lives with husband Donald, who works in renewable energy.
The couple then nestled the little chap, who they say was semi conscious, in a sandwich box full of tissues and were able to give him some water. The next step was to take him to small voluntary bird rehab Every Feather and Wildlife Rescue in Bolton.
Donald said: "It's a cruel world out there. I just hope he survives."

Happily, staff at Every Feather and Wildlife Rescue, who celebrate ten years since they opened this year, say the little bird is healing and pulling through. Owner Stephanie Williams, 44, has been giving the feathered friend a lot of tender loving care.
She said: "He is doing really well. His little eye was swollen but is getting better. His feathers are coming through and he is looking more like a bird. We will keep him with us for a couple of months and teach him how to forage for his own food before releasing him in to the wild."
A delighted Donald says: "If it wasn't for that charity I don't know what would have happened to that little bird. We are so pleased with their support."
Stephanie says no name has yet been given to the baby bird but she would welcome any suggestions. To see what they do at the rescue centre click here.
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