A lawyer for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars empire acknowledged on the witness stand Wednesday that the show and website spread falsehoods about the Sandy Hook school shooting.
“I don’t think that we disagree that there were false statements made,” Brittany Paz testified at a civil trial involving Jones' claims that the nation’s deadliest school shooting was a hoax concocted as a pretext to tighten gun regulations.
Asked whether an Infowars headline that suggested the massacre was a “false flag” operation was itself untrue, Paz said she didn't disagree it was false.
The jury is tasked only with determining what Jones has to pay to eight victims’ families and an FBI agent – a judge already found the Infowars host liable for damages, by default. She made that determination after he failed to turn over documents as ordered during the lawsuit.
Jones has cast the proceeding as an unjust show trial and part of a dark campaign against him, his audience and Americans’ free speech rights.
“They are coming for everybody,” he warned on his Infowars web show Tuesday. “How am I handling it? We’re at war. This is total tyranny.”
He vowed that “we can beat this” but it would require “massive money” to keep fighting cases in Connecticut and Texas, where a jury ordered him last month to pay nearly $50 million to the parents of one of the slain children.
His lawyer, Norm Pattis, has urged the jury to keep any damages minimal, arguing that the families are making overblown claims of harm.
The families say the emotional and psychological harm was serious, deep and persistent -- social media harassment, death threats, strangers videotaping them and their children, and the surreal pain of being told that their loss wasn’t real.
“It’s hurtful. It’s devastating. It’s crippling. You can’t grieve properly because you’re constantly defending yourself and your family and your loved ones,” Carlee Soto Parisi testified Tuesday.
Her sister, teacher Vicki Soto, was among the 26 people killed in the 2012 carnage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty victims were children.
Soto Parisi described seeing social media comments claiming that she was a crisis actor, that her sister wasn’t shot or didn’t exist, and that the massacre never happened. She testified about getting ominous social media messages with gun emojis and a note on her door from a stranger saying she needed to go to church.
And one time, she said, a conspiracy theorist showed up and shouted, “This never happened!” at a fundraising run that the family holds in Vicki Soto’s honor.
Jones now acknowledges the shooting was real. At the Texas trial, testified that he realizes what he said was irresponsible and hurt people’s feelings, and he apologized.
He insists, however, that his comments were protected free speech.