A triangular-shaped UFO has been caught on camera as it appears to hover over a housing estate for more than an hour.
The silent, dark coloured flying object, is said to be reminiscent of those reported by spotters across the world in the 1940s.
The clip appears to show a dark object with lights along the bottom in a triangular shape and it does not seem to be travelling at speed.
The hour-long footage was reportedly taken in Huddersfield and a clip of it was shared on Skywatch Explorer's YouTube channel.
It is not clear exactly when the clip was filmed, but was uploaded last week by UFO hunter Mick Proctor who runs the channel.

Mr Proctor said he was given it by someone, who wanted to remain anonymous adding: "He said it was on his CCTV camera for an hour but could only send a 10 min version as the file was too big".
"He didn’t want to give the exact location where he lives."
One of the channel's followers, Darren Smith comments that the footage is "incredible".
He said: " Incredible footage Mick!
"Thought it was a triangle aka TR3B but then at 1.00 it appears to be a larger more square like craft."
The Mirror reported earlier this year that the American government has launched a new office to look into reports of UFOs from around the world.

The move was signed into law just before the turn of the year and aims to establish if there is a potential security threat from what is seen in the skies.
Experts will then work to establish if they came from a foreign force - or from a galaxy far, far away.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said: “Our national security efforts rely on aerial supremacy and these phenomena present a challenge to our dominance.
“The United States needs a coordinated effort to take control and understand whether these aerial phenomena belong to a foreign government or something else altogether."
The new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena programme was launched after a number of high profile videos were released by the Pentagon - many including US military chasing targets pulling off impossible manoeuvres and speeds.
The move has upset many ufologists who believe the truth about possible visitors have been hidden from the masses for decades.
Ron James, a spokesman for the Mutual UFO Network, said: “We don't see that this means new resources will be dedicated to the matter.
“We believe that considerable resources have always been dedicated to the matter at some level inside deep government and industry.”
In 2010 Ministry of Defence files showed a UFO was reported hovering over the home of former Tory leader Michael Howard.
The official inquiry into the sighting in March 1997 said: "MoD air defence staff have confirmed that there is no evidence to suggest any unauthorised incursion of the UK air defence region on that date.”