The Indiana Supreme Court issued one opinion from April 17-23. As of April 23, the court issued 14 opinions in 2023 — 11 fewer than this point a year ago. The one opinion is below:
- M.H. v. State, where the court “affirmed the decision of the juvenile court denying the Appellant’s request for relief” and “holding that the new jurisdictional rule announced in K.C.G. v. State…does not apply retroactively.”
From April 17-23, state supreme courts issued 143 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued the most with 20. State supreme courts in 15 states issued the fewest with zero. Courts where judges are elected have issued 83 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 60.

The Indiana Supreme Court is the state’s court of last resort and has five judgeships. The current chief of the court is Loretta H. Rush. The court issued 44 opinions in 2022 and 50 in 2021. Nationally, state supreme courts issued 7,423 opinions in 2022 and 8,320 in 2021. The courts have issued 2,027 opinions in 2023. Courts where judges are elected have issued 1,113 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 914. Indiana is a Republican trifecta, meaning Republicans control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature.
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