Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his congratulations to President Donald Trump on his historic inauguration in a post on Monday evening. Modi referred to Trump as his 'dear friend' and expressed his eagerness to work closely together once again to benefit both countries and shape a better future for the world.
Modi's message to Trump emphasized the importance of collaboration between India and the United States in addressing global challenges and fostering mutual prosperity. The Prime Minister conveyed his best wishes for a successful term ahead for President Trump.
This gesture of goodwill from Prime Minister Modi highlights the strong diplomatic ties between India and the United States. Both leaders have previously engaged in discussions and initiatives aimed at strengthening bilateral relations and promoting shared interests.
As President Trump embarks on his new term in office, the message from Prime Minister Modi underscores the significance of international cooperation and partnership in addressing pressing issues on the global stage. The reaffirmation of commitment to working together signals a positive outlook for future collaborations between the two nations.
Overall, the congratulatory message from Prime Minister Modi to President Trump reflects a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation between India and the United States, setting a positive tone for their continued engagement on various fronts.