A wall museum titled ‘India in Space’ was unveiled on Wednesday by Indic Inspirations which is ISRO’s first registered merchandiser.
The wall museum showcases the journey of ISRO over the last five decades starting from its initial days of Rohini, Aryabhatta to the launching the Chandrayaan moon missions, the Mars Orbiter Mission to the upcoming Human Space Programme – Gaganyaan.
According to Indic Inspirations, the wall museum will showcase more than 25 authentic models of technological artefacts of ISRO missions with a digital user interface and experience with additional information about each artefact.
The space agency’s Capacity Building Programme Office’s director Sudheer Kumar said that when the idea was first thought about a few years ago, there was not a clear picture on how it would turn out.
“But what we see here today is a result of a committed team having worked towards an important goal. I am sure this would inspire students across schools. Given how important outreach is, even for us this is very inspiring,” said Mr. Kumar.
Sunil Jalihal, CEO, Indic Inspirations, said the museum will showcase India’s space achievements in a 7x7-feet wooden cabinet.
Apart from it being installed in a few hours, it is also inexpensive to set up such a museum vis-à-vis to curate a traditional museum.
“We’ve curated this very carefully and have used expert designers and engineers while also using artisans. For instance, we’ve got artisans from Channapatna, whose traditional work is renowned, to make ISRO rocket models for kids,” he said.