SCOTS paid their respects to William Wallace at an event in London last Saturday .
Wallace was brutally executed in London for the crime of ‘treason’ against King Edward I of England at Smithfield London on August 23 1305.
On Saturday, 719 years later, a number of Scots wearing kilts met at the plaque to William Wallace at St Bartholomew's Hospital in Smithfield.
(Image: James Scott)
Attendees included piper Ray Ross, who played a tune or two, and Frank Boyd who was dressed as the man himself.
(Image: James Scott)
One of the organisers, James Scott, said it was “amazing” to witness how friendly the people were at each location.
(Image: James Scott)
“We were at London Victoria Train and Bus Station, Westminster and at Smithfield where William Wallace was executed,” he said.
“People approached us asking us what was happening and we explained that we were here to remember William Wallace and the thousands of other poor souls who were murdered at Smithfield.
Scott added: “There was no animosity, people were genuinely interested and supportive of our event – even asking for photographs with our piper Ray Ross and Frank Boyd, who was dressed as William Wallace.”