You know the saying, “Keep your friends close, and your in-laws as far away as possible?” Okay, maybe that’s not a real saying, but it might as well be. While some in-laws are sweet as pie, helpful and caring, others can make a dentist’s drill feel relaxing. And when they’re in town for a visit, you’d better be prepared for plenty of complaints and a whole lot of drama.
That’s exactly what happened to this Redditor when her in-laws decided to turn a “civil” visit into an unexpected episode of “Law and Order,” the houseguest edition. It all went down when her father-in-law barricaded himself into the guestroom.
More info: Reddit
Some in-laws bring gifts when they visit, while others bring complaints and drama

Image credits: Askar Abayev / Pexels(not the actual photo)
One woman calls the police on her in-laws after showing up unannounced and refusing to leave her house

Image credits: Pixabay / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The new mom’s husband, who serves in the military overseas, asks his wife to allow his parents to meet the baby, promising they will stay in a hotel

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The in-laws show up at the woman’s door at night, asking to stay over, but complain about the dust and dirty laundry and grabbing the baby without permission

Image credits: FeelingADHA
The woman kicks her in-laws out after an argument, but calls the police when her father-in-law locks himself in the guestroom, refusing to leave
The OP (original poster) is a 27-year-old mom, juggling life with baby while her husband serves overseas. If dealing with a baby by herself wasn’t enough, she had to handle her in-laws on top of that, too. Despite an already tense history, her husband begged her to let his parents meet their granddaughter, promising they’d stay at a hotel.
All seemed fine until a surprise 10 PM knock at the door. Apparently, the parents had skipped the hotel and opted for an uninvited stay in the guest room. I don’t know about you, but I’d be pretty mad at this point.
But somehow, our OP kept her cool and allowed them to crash in the guest room. But things escalated quickly, and by the next morning, the husband’s stepmom decided to channel her inner baby whisperer, without permission, of course.
She snuck into the mom’s room, plucked the baby out of her crib, and somehow thought it was all okay. Predictably, this did not go over well. The OP, probably running on 3 hours of sleep and pure adrenaline, snapped while stepmom slinked away.
As if the unapproved baby grab wasn’t enough, the in-laws spent the day nitpicking everything from the dust on the furniture to the laundry pile. To top it off, they seemed genuinely offended that the mom’s family, who lived closer, (as in 1 hour away), saw the baby more often. Mind you, their home was a daunting 12-hour trip away.
At dinner, stepmom decided to confront the OP about the morning’s “tone” because clearly, this was the perfect time for conflict resolution. That’s when she unleashed her pièce de résistance, calling the OP an ungrateful jerk. Talk about poking the bear—or mama bear, in this case.
After that verbal grenade, the OP told her in-laws to pack their bags and get out. When they refused, the police had to intervene after the father-in-law barricaded himself in the guestroom, refusing to leave. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any pettier, the in-laws came back days later to return a used gift card they had taken from the OP’s house. Who even does that?

Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Being a decent houseguest is really not that hard, folks, as long as you respect the host’s space – in other words, don’t enter their bedroom without permission, like the mother-in-law.
Etiquette experts say that houseguests shouldn’t show up unannounced, snoop around the host’s home, or use their belongings without permission. Need to use their computer or phone? Make sure to ask first.
Don’t rearrange their fridge or redecorate their living room and always clean up after yourself—no one wants to play detective with your stray socks. And for the love of all things cozy, don’t overstay your welcome. If you’re unsure about something, ask. Your host will appreciate your thoughtfulness way more than your assumption that their guest towels are disposable.
While most of us are probably familiar with these etiquette rules when we visit someone, some folks think common sense doesn’t apply to them since they’re “family.” But guess what, it does. As long as you don’t live in that home, you’re still a guest. Just like the OP’s in-laws were, but I guess they just didn’t know it, as complaining about dust when you show up unannounced isn’t really good manners, now is it?
You know, dealing with overbearing in-laws is like trying to win an argument with a toddler—impossible and exhausting. The key is setting boundaries early and sticking to them like you stick to your favorite Netflix series.
Make it clear what’s okay and what’s not, and communicate openly with your partner to present a united front. If things get tense, try a bit of humor to lighten the mood. And remember, saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad person; it just makes you someone who values their sanity.
What would you have done in this situation? Was calling the police the right move, or would you have handled things differently? Share your thoughts below!
Netizens side with the woman, saying she is not a jerk for kicking her in-laws out, as they crossed the line with their behavior