Re the letters on the Liberal Democrats losing their way (Letters, 1 May), all I can say is that life is more complicated than the dogma that some espoused. All parties make mistakes and the Lib Dems have not been immune. But please excuse me while I reach for the smelling salts after reading the hypocrisy of the words and actions of Labour and its acolytes. The Lib Dems have been shouting from the rooftops about Brexit, but mealy-mouthed Labour didn’t support our attempts to correct the disaster that has befallen Britain in its wake. Now it has also rejected the youth mobility scheme between the EU and the UK.
Labour will continue to inflict untold damage if it can’t allow itself to talk positively about Europe. It should stop thrashing the Lib Dems and start owning up to its deficits.
Jane Dent
Matlock, Derbyshire
• The Liberal Democrats’ issue is how to sum up its offer to Britain with less coverage and cash than the other two main parties. Keep it simple. The Lib Dem “new deal” could focus on three practical policy issues: housing, sewage and social care. The country is in a mess and voters want solutions.
Tom Parkin
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.