LAS VEGAS—IMAX Corporation has announced it will be making its first ever appearance at the NAB Show and that it will be demonstrating its cutting edge streaming, home entertainment and video optimization technology at its booth and in a variety of sessions during the 2023 NAB Show, which taking place from April 16-19th in Las Vegas.
During IMAX’s first-ever appearance at the event, the company will be represented by a range of senior leaders from IMAX and SSIMWAVE, an IMAX company in AI-driven video quality solutions.
“We are excited to be able to present our suite of streaming and video technology that’s pushing the signature IMAX theatrical experience into new realms,” said Vikram Arumilli, senior vice president and general manager of streaming and consumer technology at IMAX. “The NAB Show has been at the cutting edge of broadcast technology for 100 years and we believe that there is no better place to showcase our latest technology and immersive video experiences. With our history of innovation and investments in video technology, including the recent acquisition of SSIMWAVE, IMAX remains focused on providing practical, cost-effective solutions to video quality challenges faced by the streaming industry while preserving creator intent.”
IMAX’s presence will be headlined by Arumilli, who will take the Main Stage alongside streaming industry expert and moderator Dan Rayburn on April 16th during opening night to discuss how its advanced technologies are turbocharging streaming engagement by bringing immersive viewing experiences beyond the big screen and into the home.
The Company will also host its first-ever NAB exhibit in the West Hall to showcase state-of-the-art video enhancement and streaming efficiency solutions, unveil the new Stream Smart product and provide demonstrations of video monitoring technology applications, the company said.
“Even in our 100th year, the NAB Show is never short of breakthrough moments,” said Chris Brown, executive vice president and managing director, global connections and events for NAB. “IMAX’s commitment to our show and our industry underscores the vital importance of Hollywood and streaming working hand-in-hand to give consumers the experiences they demand, no matter where they may be viewing.”
Beyond the Main Stage appearance, IMAX can also be found at:
- The promise of HDR for studios and realities of advanced HDR workflows for streamers, featuring SSIMWAVE CEO Dr. Abdul Rehman and VP Visual Solutions Lab at Samsung Research America Bill Mandel on Monday, April 17 (11:20 AM – 12:00 PM) in the Capitalize Inspiration Theater.
- Next Generation Video Codecs for 8K, featuring SSIMWAVE CEO Abdul Rehman, on Monday, April 17 (2:40 - 3:20 PM) in the Connect Inspiration Theater, W3421A.
- Packaging and Distribution Strategies for Subscriber Engagement, featuring SSIMWAVE Chief Revenue Officer John Zelenka, on Monday, April 17 (11:30-12:30PM) in the West Hall Meeting Rooms, W219-W221.
- One-To-One Conversations with IMAX and SSIMWAVE executives, unveiling of the Stream Smart™ product that ensures the proper balance between streaming costs and subscriber satisfaction, and demonstrations of IMAX Enhanced at the IMAX/SSIMWAVE booth W1567.
To learn more at NAB about how IMAX Enhanced and SSIMWAVE’s Live Monitor, VOD Monitor and Stream Smart™ products can boost subscriber experiences and engagement while reducing streaming costs, email hello@ssimwave.com.