Victoria Police removed more than 1500 illegal firearms from criminals in 2023, but there are believed to be another 2000 illegal guns out there.
Those illegal weapons are firmly in the sights of law enforcement bodies - but they say they need the help of community members who know where they are.
Police and Crime Stoppers on Monday launched the 'Say something before it's too late' campaign that urges the public to protect themselves and those around them by reporting what they know.
Data from the Crime Statistics Agency shows there were 5126 firearm-related incidents in Victoria in 2023.
Crime Stoppers chief Stella Smith said people could report to them anonymously, with Crime Stoppers passing on more than 1800 firearm reports to police last year for further investigation.
"We know people have information they are willing to share," Ms Smith said on Monday.
"Illegal firearms mean dangerous shootings, thefts, and other violent acts that can put you and your family at risk ... now is the time to say something before it is too late."
Detective Superintendent Jason Kelly said police were taking strong action to target those with illegal firearms.
He said the introduction of the Illicit Firearms Squad in 2020 and the VIPER Taskforce in 2022 had enhanced Victoria Police's ability to combat illegal firearms-related offending.
"Every report you share with Crime Stoppers can make a difference. If you know or suspect someone is in possession of an illegal firearm, please report to Crime Stoppers Victoria today," Supt Kelly said.
Over the past 12 months, Crime Stoppers Victoria has processed more than 107,000 reports, averaging one new report every five minutes.