Going to IKEA can be a great day out for those on the search for new furniture, a fresh kitchen design or even just the to tuck into the famous Swedish meatballs in the canteen. One man was left in a state of shock on Sunday afternoon, however, as he noticed a highly unusual scene unfolding in the Edinburgh store.
Alan Watson had been enjoying his lunch at about 1pm when he noticed there was a man walking two other men who were dressed as dogs. In a clip Alan managed to capture, one man is dressed in normal clothing while the two others have on leather dog masks and tails that appear to be wagging as they walk.

After the truly bizarre incident took place, Alan told EdinburghLive: "I was just having lunch at around 1pm in IKEA with my wife when I saw the two guys dressed like dogs walking past with their friend or dad."
They continue to walk through the store nonchalantly while most of the shoppers around them don't even seem to notice.
Those who dress as dogs in this way are known as "Furries", which is a sub-culture for people interested in non-human creatures conveying human characteristics such as walking on two legs and showing emotion.
Dressing in this way is a form of role-play which can sometimes involve going out in public in the clothing.

While it can be form of sexual fetish, it doesn't always have to be and can just a fun escape for people who enjoy it.
The Furry fandom is not that commonly seen in public and certainly not something you see everyday, but according to Channel 4 show Secret Life of Human Pups, there are around 10,000 in the UK who subscribe to this pet craze.
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