Apart from that, 28 students from top 100 JEE-Adv rank holders have opted for IIT Delhi, followed by 3 in IIT Madras. The largest chunk from the top 500 rankers--173--have been allotted seats in IIT Bombay, followed by 127 in IIT Delhi, 48 each in IIT Madras and Kanpur, 44 in IIT Kharagpur and 33 in IIT Roorkee.
The information was shared by JEE office after first seat allotment list was released by Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) on Friday, as quoted by Hindustan Times.
Currently, 23 IITs can now host 16,598 students as against 16,238 in 2021. The additional seats have been approved in ten of the newer institutes, including, IIT Mandi, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Patna, Pallakad and Dharwad, among others.
If not IIT, other preferred institutes for JoSAA are National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) and other Government Funded Technology Institutes (GFTIs).
And, total intake capacity for all these institutes stands at 54,477 this year.
"A total of 2,14,067 students registered for the seat allocation process through JoSAA this year. Out of these 1,95,924 candidates (Male: 1,50,551, Female: 45,370, Third Gender: 3) have filled in their choices for seats in participating institutions," said Suryanarayana Doolla, organising chairman, JEE Advanced 2022.
Admissions to IITs depend on the Joint Entrance Examination-Advanced (JEE-Adv) scores of students, results for which were declared on September 11. Of the 1.55 lakh students who had appeared for the exam, 40,712 were declared eligible for admissions through JoSAA this year.