Every time you have a bad day or are feeling low, take a step back and tell yourself, "I have the power to uplift my mood." In a time where it's easy to drown in all the negative news surrounding us, we can also use the internet to remind ourselves of how many truly kind and decent people there are in the world.
Today, to bring a smile to your faces, the team at Bored Panda#1 The Legend Of A Cat Dad

Image credits: ParisZarcilla
#2 I Turned 26 Today, Which Means I’ve Lived To See 23 More Birthdays Than I Was Expected To See. Cheers

Image credits: A-A-ron98
#3 I Recently Lost 170 Pounds. Took Me Two And A Half Years

Image credits: ItsGamerPops
You might feel sad for a lot of different reasons - your favorite coffee is out of stock, your bestie has taken a day off from work, you read an unsettling article, or someone spilled wine on your brand new dress.
Sometimes, a seemingly small incident can affect you more than you think. Imagine it’s your sibling's birthday. You are all dressed up, ready with the cake and presents to leave for the celebration. However, you realize that you have a flat tire, so you take a cab instead. Even though you arrive just 10 minutes late, you feel upset during the entire party.
#4 An Absolute Chad

Image credits: reddit.com
#5 Go France

Image credits: BNONews
#6 Finally Got Out Of An Abusive Home. It's Not Much But It's Mine
Finally got away from an abusive parent. Years of stuff to work through and it's going to take time to feel comfortable again but I'll be ok. To those in similar worlds, it can get better.

Image credits: kbarney345
On days when you are feeling low, all you might need is some positivity. Simply reading wholesome posts, hanging out with loved ones, or listening to your favorite song can uplift your spirits.
One of the reasons people wake up feeling grumpy is a lack of quality sleep. Experts recommend that adults should sleep anywhere between 7 and 9 hours every night. Feeling well-rested is essential for our emotional well-being. Lack of good sleep can lead to feelings of worry and anger, among other emotions. It can also lead to decreased cognitive function and increased stress levels.
#7 I Sold My Truck To Pay For Her Surgery

Image credits: jettrush26
#8 Japan As A Nation Is Full Of Madlads

Image credits: yupthtexists
#9 Love And Dedication Are Right There

Image credits: Hannah Hosking
There are days when even feeling hungry or not eating on time can put you in a sour mood. Gastroenterologist Christine Lee, MD, explains, “When you haven’t eaten for a while, the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood decreases. The low blood sugar may interfere with higher brain functions, such as those that help us control impulses and regulate our primitive drives and behavior.” That is why not having your meals can make you sad and angry.
#10 I Drew My My Mom And Her Cat For Mother's Day

Image credits: ninadrawsalot
#11 I Spent The Last Month Cleaning The Landfill Of An Empty Lot Next To The Hotel I Work At. Just Watching Them Eat Without A McDonald's Wrapper In Their Mouth Has Been Extremely Gratifying

Image credits: doesitevermatter-
#12 3 Years Ago I Tried Taking My Life Twice. Today, I Graduate College And Have Accepted A Graduate Assistant Role To Get My Masters. There's Light After Darkness, And I Am Proud Of Myself

Image credits: AriDreams
Fluctuations in hormones can also affect a person’s mood and sometimes lead to unexplained sorrow. When it comes to menstruation, Julia Sacher from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences points out, "We know that estrogen and progesterone have an influence on serotonin levels, which in turn directly affect mood.”
During periods, serotonin, the natural body chemical that controls our mood, drops, making us feel uneasy at times.
#13 Kids Are The Best Bros

Image credits: suzanne.p.kane
#14 I Don’t Usually Do Live Butterflies, But Now The Zoo Found Out That I Can And They’re Bringing Me Patients. This One Was Deformed Out Of The Chrysalis, So I Did A Wing Transplant
I'm hoping he'll be able to fly tomorrow.

Image credits: InsectArt
#15 Cops Save Ducklings From Being Washed Out To Lake Superior. Officer Rieboldt Ducked Into A Storm Drain To Save These 8 Little Babies. The Ducklings Were Reunited With Their Mother

Image credits: Marquette Police Department
People going through puberty also experience hormonal changes. Apart from physical development, people also go through emotional changes during this time. While these hormone shifts are a natural part of growing up, the intensity may vary from one person to another.
As you enter adolescence, you might have strong emotions that you've never had before in your life. You may feel anxious, upset, or lose your temper more than usual.
#16 First Day Teaching Coding Class To My Neighborhood

Image credits: ConferenceConscious4
#17 One Of My Students Wrote Me A Poem For My Cat Who Passed Away Last Month

Image credits: schywalker
#18 A Complete Stranger Bought Me These Beautiful Wheel Covers For My Wheelchair
Back in March, I casually answered a post on the internet asking what you would buy if you had $500 but couldn't spend it on anything you needed.
I had seen these covers earlier in the year, but there was no way I could afford them. I made an offhand comment about how I would get these "because they're pretty and I want to be pretty too".
Out of many people offering various suggestions, a very kind and generous gentleman from America sent me the money (with his wife's approval) to cover the purchase of these Izzy Wheels covers, which are made to order in Europe. It took a while, but they finally made their way to me in New Zealand!
I love them so much! Not only are they super fun, but I no longer get my fingertips caught in the spokes every now and then.

Image credits: TheBadKneesBandit
In life, we all experience some level of stress, but sometimes a particular event can cause higher levels of stress. Excessive stress can cause you to have negative emotions like sadness, anger, and worry. If you’re going through a hard time in your professional life, it might make you question your skills.
This, in turn, might leave you feeling upset for not performing well on a particular project. We shouldn’t be hard on ourselves all the time. Sometimes, it’s best to take a break, relax and reenergize yourself.
#19 Our Soccer Ball Rolled Out Into The Street In Front Of A Garbage Truck. The Driver Stopped The Truck, Got Out, And Took The Time To Teach My Son Some New Moves. Made His Day
The driver was a former club-level soccer player in Haiti and couldn’t have been any nicer to my kid. Still had some great moves and took the time to show my 8-year-old some new skill moves. What a great moment he will remember forever.

Image credits: tshizdude
#20 Went To My Brother's Graduation And Saw A Little Girl Taking Pictures Of Her Dad Who Had Just Graduated Too. It Was Just Them Two. I Was Crying, She Was So Proud Of Him

Image credits: chmuganda
#21 Last Week I Underwent Surgery That Will Probably Change My Life
I’ve been an amputee for four years. Traditional prosthetic sockets would not work well for me, I was able use them for maximum 30 mins. That led me to use wheelchair most of the time. However, I have the same disease in my hands that I have in my feet and my hands have been getting worse the last year. By the time I was up for surgery I was practically stuck in bed with sore stumps and painful hands. This surgery will most likely lead to me being able to walk ALL the time. It’s like a dream, a painful and wonderful dream. It’s called osseointegration and is basically hammering a titanium implant into the bone which I will be able to attach prosthetics to. I’ll be trying my feet on in only two weeks!

Image credits: benhundben
The change in season may also affect your mood. When days shorten and temperatures drop, some people might experience winter blues. When it’s freezing outside, you might feel like being cooped up inside the house and not going anywhere. The lack of movement and overall disengagement from doing things are not good for a person’s physical and emotional health.
One should try to include home workouts or go for short walks to uplift their mood during this time. It’s recommended that adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity every week. It means that you should do around 30 minutes of workout daily.
#22 Around A Year Between These Photos. It Took Months In A Treatment Center, Three Relapses And Two More Near-Death Experiences But I’ve Been Recovering From Anorexia On My Own
Lately I’ve been struggling with my difference in weight and appearance, wanting to go back to being underweight. But I try to look and remind myself that I felt terrible in the before pic and could barely function. Can’t say I’m a whole lot happier right now but it’s also hard to see the light within the dark. I did the thing and I did it on my own!

Image credits: nutterfluffs
#23 A Kid Posed With His Pilot Dad In An Airplane. Almost 30 Years Later They Recreated The Photo
Meet Captain Ruben and his son, First Officer Ruben. Captain Ruben flew with Southwest for nearly 31 years and inspired his family to pursue their dreams of flying too. Not only did his son spend his whole life working to become a Pilot, but his brother and cousin are now Southwest Pilots too! Captain Ruben shared many flights with his family before retirement, including his last flight from Omaha, Neb., to Chicago (Midway) with his son serving in the right-hand seat as his First Officer. Congrats, Captain Ruben, on your well-earned retirement.

Image credits: Southwest Airlines
#24 The Owner And Employees Of Our Local Pizza Shop Surprised Their Waitress For Graduating High School

Image credits: EevelBob
Disagreements or fights with a loved one can also hamper your overall mood. When you feel disconnected from people who are close to you, it can make you moody. Resolving the issue with your mother, partner, or friend might instantly make you feel at peace.
As humans we’re wired to focus on negative events far more than positive ones. This can also be the reason why we feel low sometimes. You should consider setting time aside to figure out the real reason for feeling disheartened. In some cases, the reason for your persistent sadness could be deeper.
When factors like depression, trauma, or grief affect your mood, it’s best to visit a doctor or consult an expert. We should not shy away from getting professional help when needed.
#25 Our Daughter Is Obsessed With This Tree At Her Daycare. She Says Goodbye To It Every Day. Once She Even Showed It Some Artwork She Made

Image credits: TrebleRose689
#26 Today I’m Four Years Sober From Alcohol (Timelapse)
Today, I celebrate 4 years of sobriety from alcohol. It’s been a long journey, and I still occasionally crave alcohol, but life is beautiful, I have two cats and a wonderful partner - things I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t given up drinking. I'm not saying alcohol is bad, I'm saying I can't partake in it because it negatively affects my health.
If you’re one of those people who would say, "I'd drink to that," please pour yourself some bourbon whiskey because that was my drink of choice. Sometimes, I miss the burning sensation and the numbness, but life doesn’t have to be like that. If you’re currently struggling, hang in there - it gets better.
In my first year of sobriety, I had the opportunity to return to one of my jobs from before my downfall, and this time, I left on good terms. In my second year, I bought a boat and am currently fixing it up. In my third year, my partner and I adopted a bonded pair of cats. In my fourth year, I adopted a Husky mix from my stepsister after she said the dog was too much for her lifestyle. I love Maya the Husky, and she’s the dog I used to dream of when I was locked up during the pandemic.
Life is so beautiful. I’ve learned that I can’t drink alcohol - it’s not worth the cost of losing everything. There’s help available if you’re really seeking it, but ultimately, you have to make the choice not to give in to temptation.

Image credits: Sharkie_M
#27 In 2019 I Wrote My Phone Number On A Jenga Piece At A Hostel In Iceland. Today I Received This Photo. They Found Me

Image credits: citrusgirlpaige
But if it’s nothing serious, you can try to move towards happiness by enjoying the wholesomeness around us. Tough times make us value the good things around us even more. We should try being grateful for the little joys in life. Which one of these posts made you smile? Don’t forget to share this with someone who’s having a bad day.
#28 We Never Change

Image credits: bekah_owsley
#29 That's Just Wholesome

Image credits: imittongtare
#30 Salute To The Donor And The Doctors

Image credits: ndtv
#31 My Coworkers All Came Together And Gave Me The Money To Finally Change My Name Legally For My Birthday

Image credits: Not_A_Cowboy2003
#32 Restaurant In My Town Has A Board With “No Questions Asked” Prepaid Meals For People In Need

Image credits: rjoyfult
#33 This Poster I Saw In My Neighborhood

Image credits: zekeboy45
#34 About 16 Years Ago, I Made A Best Friend. I Met Him For The First Time Last Weekend
I was 15, living in Norway, and was really into computer games. I met a guy from Amsterdam through Steam (a computer game platform). We became really good friends and played games or watched movies over voice calls together almost every day for a few years. Time passed, and we slowly grew out of our regular routine of playing video games. We continued to stay in contact through Facebook. I ended up moving to the East Coast USA 11 years ago, and then moved to California in 2022. My friend's partner grew up in California, and I received news last Thursday that they had just arrived in California to visit her family. It turns out that they were only an hour away! After convincing my wife that I had to meet this guy, we planned a day trip to Joshua Tree.

Image credits: Brandvik1991
#35 My Grandparents Just Celebrated Their 50th Wedding Anniversary
My grandparents started dating as freshmen in high school and we got to surprise them the other day with a huge party with their lifelong friends and family after 50 years together. My grandma is my best friend and it’s such an honor to be a part of her love story.

Image credits: Gaiiiiiiiiiiil
#36 We Are All Just Children Inside Our Hearts

Image credits: erv_mt
#37 Headstone Of Bob Ross

Image credits: EverlastingBastard
#38 My First Canvas Painting! Would Anyone Hang This In Their House?

Image credits: blueberryzigzag
#39 Late To Work Due To An Unscheduled Parade

Image credits: HatefulxLover
#40 My Husband Thinks I'm Crazy
I admit a mini cat living room is a bit much for 2 cats, but every eye-roll and "you've lost your mind" comment from my husband and sons is 100% worth it when I see one of the 2 lounging in here. It just cracks me up. Every. Damn. Time. This is BB, she's 4 months old.

Image credits: ColdUpstairs1071
#41 On The Internet I Asked Where I Could Take My Mom To Pet Some Donkeys For Mother's Day, And They Delivered! She Had The Best Day Ever

Image credits: TheRipsawHiatus
#42 This Lovely Reminder I Saw On The Toilet Door Today At Morrisons

Image credits: ghostie_hehimboo
#43 My Son Came Home From School And Said, “Mommy I Went Toe-To-Toe With A Bee To Get These For You!” Best Bouquet Ever

Image credits: abigailcodyy
#44 I Asked A Movie Theater What They Do With All The Extra Popcorn When They Close And Walked Out With This

Image credits: Naive-Button3320
#45 I Teach Kindergarten And Always Talk About My Cat Teddy, Today One Of My Students Drew Me A Picture Of Him So I Took Some Pictures To Show Her And Say Thank You

Image credits: Goodcatrelax
#46 When I Was 6, My Mom Picked Me Up From School With Her Hair Looking Different And I Totally Freaked Out. 20 Years Later She Still Gives Me A Heads Up When She Changes It To Prepare Me
It’s such a small thing but it made me smile this morning that she still does this.

Image credits: PaleontologistNo5420
#47 For My Mother's Birthday / Mother's Day, My Dad Always Picks Her Flowers, Bakes Her A Cake And Wakes Her Up Singing While Bringing Her Breakfast In Bed
They are both in their 70s and have been married for almost 50 years.

Image credits: pexmee
#48 Text I Got From My Childhood Best Friend This Morning
We haven’t seen each other in over ten years but we catch up from time to time. We share a birthday so she was my "twin" growing up!

Image credits: unbreakablewildone
#49 My Grandpa Was Too Sick To Attend My College Graduation, So I Surprised Him At His House After The Ceremony

Image credits: Sav_Raeee
#50 I Let My 8th Graduates Cut My Hair Each Year When They Graduate. This Year They Gave Me The Full Van Buren

Image credits: tpieman2029