Have you noticed just how much we’re surrounded by negativity? A whopping 90% of the news is pessimistic and being constantly pushed through our TV, phone, and computer screens, making us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and fatigued. Being actively bombarded by negative events can make us forget how much good there is in the world.
To break through the negativity and remind us that positive things are happening all around us, Bored Panda compiled a list from all over the Internet full of wholesome gestures that people did for others. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to share them with your loved ones who might need a little pick-me-up.
While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out a conversation with media expert and author of Eternity in the Ether: A Mormon Media History, Gavin Feller, PhD, speaker, media and community psychologist Dr. Alexis Moreno, and clinical director, speaker, therapist, and executive coach Alex Honigman from Wit & Reason, who kindly agreed to tell us more about the negativity of media and how to seek out positivity more.
#1 What A Beautiful Family

Image credits: Terrell_Jarius_
#2 Kindness Is All About Healing, Isn't It?

Image credits: StevijoPayne
#3 Here's To Kindness

Image credits: naturalenergybyproxy
“Constant exposure to distressing headlines can heighten feelings of anxiety, stress, and even helplessness,” Dr. Alexis Moreno and Alex Honigman, LCSW, from Wit & Reason explain.
“Over time, this focus illuminates more of what’s wrong, making it harder to recognize the positive aspects of life. Think of things like confirmation bias... It’s not that it’s untrue, just that the focus shifts. We can become so attuned to problems that our capacity to see what’s good around us diminishes, creating a dynamic that affects our overall well-being.”
#4 That Sleep Is Gonna Be So Good Tonight

Image credits: Jwitdafro
#5 Rewarding Curiosity

Image credits: dinglyd
#6 Well Done

Image credits: charlie_ge97215
Media expert and author of Eternity in the Ether: A Mormon Media History, Gavin Feller, PhD, says that constant exposure to negative news can push people to develop the “Mean World Syndrome.”
“This is a phenomenon George Gerbner discovered in the 1970s. When we're repeatedly exposed to negative news, we begin to see the world as a more violent and dangerous place than it really is. We begin to overestimate the amount of crime in the world, for instance. We develop anxiety, fear, and more pessimistic views. This can also then lead to self-fulfilling prophecies and confirmation bias—where we see what we're looking for,” he further explains.
#7 That Is So Amazing

Image credits: hanabaig_
#8 Kindness Is Always A Beautiful Act

Image credits: shannonhar95
#9 Made It To 20 Years Sober! (Oc)

Image credits: hammerkat605
On the other hand, experts say that positive news can boost happiness. “Positive stories can refresh our mindset, promoting feelings of hope, joy, and connection. In fact, taking intentional breaks to consume uplifting stories can build emotional resilience, reminding us that there’s a balance in the world and helping us see possibility beyond the immediate stress,” Dr. Moreno and Honigman say.
#10 Brother Makes A Dinosaur Watermelon Cake For His Nephew With Food Allergies

Image credits: nordacious
#11 I'm 36 Years Old, I Started This Year Homeless, Fresh Out Of Jail Without A Dollar To My Name. I'm 6 Months Sober, I Got An Amazing GF And For The First Time In My Life, I Have A Mailbox With My Name On It

Image credits: chet-
#12 176 Animals Are Sleeping In A Home Tonight. Cleared The Shelter Was Successful

Image credits: Stonerzombie420
Feller adds that seeing positive things happening in the world can encourage optimism, gratitude, and a balanced worldview, counteracting our natural focus on negativity. “It also inspires what researchers call pro-social behavior—that is, actions like helping, volunteering, and showing empathy that benefit individuals and society. Positive news can also help strengthen community bonds and build mental resilience.”
#13 I’m So Proud Of How Far I’ve Come With Needlefelting. These Are The Last 4 Dogs I Made

Image credits: growup_andblowaway
#14 The World Needs More Positivity And My Positivity Comes From Moments Like This

Image credits: MrLuke_Thomas
#15 My Mom Crochets And Donated 48 Blankets To Sick Children This Year

Image credits: seacogen
When we are stuck in a vicious cycle of negativity, seeking out positivity might be challenging or might not even cross our minds. Feller says that we can find more positive news by being more aware of its source and how we engage with social media.
“More and more people are getting their news from social media platforms. Search and recommendation algorithms show us what we engage with. Even the amount of time you spend watching videos will influence what you get shown next. So, to make more of it positive, be sure to like, share, and follow positive stories and do the opposite with negative stories. Then platforms will show you more positive content.”
#16 This Picture Will Make You Smile And Tear Up

Image credits: alyssaherrera33
#17 My Sweet Dog Has Been Fawning From A Distance Over Our Newborn Daughter For The Last Couple Of Days
We brought our first daughter home a couple days ago and our dogs have been in love ever since. They just sit and watch her from a distance and come herd family into the room when she starts crying. This is the closest we've let her get physically, but we've been sending home clothes and blankets since she was born so they can be familiar with her smell. They were also very loving towards my partner the whole pregnancy and would constantly watch over them.
Ps. Please ignore the bum clothing and unkempt appearance, it's been a long few days with a newborn.

Image credits: mrmeekseekz
#18 I Drew An Elderly Couple Snoozing On A Plane ❤️ (Oc)

Image credits: ninadrawsalot
We can also avoid being overwhelmed by negativity by spending time in nature and meeting up with people in person. Forcing ourselves to get out of the house is definitely worth it. After all, the saying "Go touch some grass" didn’t appear out of thin air.
#19 This Dude In Front Of Me At The Supermarket Made My Morning
Don't worry, I told him I took his photo. He was very cool.

Image credits: ProperChopperGAF
#20 After Years Of Depression, Today I Started My Day With A Beach Walk

Image credits: ChilliHat
#21 I Wanted To Share My Super Talented 11 Year Old Brothers Art! Super Proud Of Him And Love His Taste

Image credits: mhill3996
In addition, Dr. Moreno and Honigman recommend reading news in short spurts and scheduling intentional breaks. “When we do encounter negative news, pause to reflect and manage your reactions—this intentionality can prevent us from feeling overwhelmed. Be selective, not avoidant, about the news you consume,” they say.
“Remember that engaging with news consciously can create a more balanced view, helping us stay informed without letting fear or negativity dominate our perspective. It’s also useful to engage in news that is in a medium you enjoy! No judgment if you’re pulling news from comedians or other places that have fun.”
#22 He Will Be A Great Uncle

Image credits: iriskessler
#23 We Were In Barcelona

Image credits: TheRealDrDukes
#24 Me In My First Year Of Working At My Current Job. I Love How Proud I Was When I Made These Bad Boys

Image credits: OriginalTangerine921
“For centuries, people have worried about the state of the world. Each generation can feel panic and fear that we've gone too far, that we're too divided, that the only way is down. But I believe the world is not any worse now than it has been in the past,” comforts Feller.
“There's a lot to celebrate. When we focus on the things within our sphere of control and let go of things we have no influence over, we'll be much happier and more fulfilled,” he concludes.
#25 Look At Its Paws

Image credits: sweatingalready
#26 Word To Live By

Image credits: jwr63fcp
#27 That Is Precious

Image credits: Garrett_Watts
#28 Every Year, Mama Follows The Same Path
Facility Services associates - one of whom said "She has us trained" - have old signage to gently guide her and her babies in case they look like they're about to get sidetracked. They head to the light from an open door at the end of the corridor.

Image credits: Thompson Health
#29 People Who Actually Care. They Are Everything

Image credits: bonthehedgehog
#30 While Working In The Garage, My Daughter Comes In With A White Tee And Slime Beard, “See? I Told You We Look Alike!”

Image credits: bigbenkennedy
#31 This Interaction That Is So Wholesome It Legitimately Brightened My Day

Image credits: DiabolicalSpuds
#32 Small Acts Of Kindness Like This Can Change Lives

Image credits: rrohanhere
#33 My 30-Year Old Autistic Son Voted For The First Time
He was nervous and told the poll worker it was his first time voting. As we walked out, she announced to the room that he was a first time voter and everyone cheered for him. He was proud AF.

Image credits: RxDocMaria
#34 Im So Happy For You

Image credits: GaryOKeeffe
#35 Kid's Amazing Santa Logic

Image credits: missmulrooney
#36 Teenager's Very Cool Evening Plans

Image credits: MrsRuvi
#37 This Is Beautiful

Image credits: okkHyfa
#38 There's No Way I Can Stay Up Til 1am Anymore

Image credits: hkist
#39 That Is So Cute

Image credits: audipenny
#40 This Joke, And Also Just The Joy Of Reading Calvin And Hobbes

Image credits: TodAshby
#41 This Is What Love Looks Like

Image credits: garlic__butter
#42 The Little Ways Kids Are So Curious And Influenced By What They See On Screen

Image credits: iconawrites
#43 [oc] Today, I Bought Myself A Cake To Celebrate Finally Having 0 Debts. :)

Image credits: ciwiaf
#44 This Is Amazing

Image credits: casjerome
#45 Last Night I Was Taking Sunset Pictures On The Beach When A Guy Walked Up And Asked Me If I'd Take A Picture Of Him And His Girlfriend. Then He Whispered "Take A Video." Next Thing I Know I'm Videoing A Proposal. I Took This Candid Shot On My Own Phone Afterwards

Image credits: 251Cane
#46 Charleston, South Carolina. Kindness For The Win

Image credits: thisisAndrew09
#47 I've Been Taking These Pictures Since March Btw. These Are Not All Recent

Image credits: skudiklier
#48 Congratulations

Image credits: momofrvj
#49 This Is Probably The First Time Ive Seen Someone Bake A Cookie That Turned Out How They Wanted

Image credits: ang3l_sk1n
#50 When Someone Truly Knows You, Even In The Little Things, It’s A Special Kind Of Love

Image credits: mariokartdwi