Everybody has a different sense of humor. But no matter what we find funny, laughing is a perfect little escapade that takes us away from our everyday problems, and that can really be considered a gift.
Dark humor takes us down some shocking, unexpected, but nonetheless hilarious roads. While it is not for everyone, those who enjoy it don’t have to look far to find it because this Instagram profile shares some of the best content that black comedy has to offer. Scroll down below to check it out! And if all this still leaves you hungry for more, we have another post like it to keep the energy going.
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Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
The Instagram page serving us these black comedy delicacies is Dark Humor Deli, aka Steve the Skull. Since its start, it has shared over 1,700 posts and racked up over 177,000 followers as well as tons of likes.
From hilarious pictures and screenshots to videos in the reels section and equally funny comments from the page’s followers, you can find anything on this page.

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
With how dark humor has become a massive part of internet culture in recent years, it makes us wonder why we find it so appealing. Well, as Gizmodo tells us, it might be because we tend to use it as a coping mechanism.
According to the article, this type of humor tends to be used in situations that appear inappropriate or make fun of seemingly wrong things because that’s what humor is - laughing at something wrong yet okay. It has the potential to reduce anxiety and stress in various situations, helping us better deal with what happened, and most of the time, it is not meant to disrespect anything or anyone.

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
Dark humor not only helps people deal with stress and anxiety but also prepares them for when they next encounter it. It tends to be heavily used in highly stressful professions like law enforcement and medicine, which keeps the stress away and people working calmer and more effective.
Black comedy can also raise a person’s psychological well-being and help in the creation of social bonds. And in situations that are out of our control, it has the ability to keep the spirit high and make whatever is happening feel not so hopeless after all, or at least help us accept that hopelessness.

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
The article further tells us that liking dark humor, as studies find, is actually correlated with education, while disliking it can often be linked to depression and anxiety. It typically indicates a healthy mind as it is a great defense mechanism that turns problems into challenges and opportunities.
It can not only help us to deal with what is by giving a new perspective but also to improve our decision-making, as well as flexible and executive thinking functions.

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
In both humans and animals, humor can be considered a form of play, and dark comedy is just another form of it. When something is put into the form of a joke, people are less likely to take it seriously and, in turn, can process its meaning more easily. This gives us a kind of distance from the actual thing or situation and presents us with a chance to acquire a new perspective.
However, it is important to note that people, like animals, only engage in play when they feel at least relatively safe. So, to not be misunderstood, it’s best to read the room and only deploy the jokes when the situation seems appropriate.

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli
In conclusion, dark humor is a great thing when used at the right time. With how it can affect us, lowering our stress and anxiety levels, as well as giving plenty of other benefits, it’s no stretch to say that it’s a form of medication. And the best part? In this modern world, we can access it and self-medicate anytime, any place.
How did you like these memes? What’s your opinion on dark humor? Come down below and tell us!

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli

Image credits: darkhumordeli