Every wanted to be able to peruse and admire every Pokéman card ever made all in one place? What do you mean, no? Of course you have. And now such a place exists.
The Art of Pokemon Cards showcases Pokémon card art from all 23,000 Japanese cards. And the designs are handily divided into eras, from Scarlet and Violet to Legend, X&Y and Black and White. You can even can browse by artist to see the work that each has contribute to the game.

The Art of Pokemon Cards is a labour of love created by Pokémon fan PKMJP. It's the only place where I've seen all of the cards catalogued neatly, which is no mean feat considering that the Pokemon Trading Card Game is almost as old as the original game. And there's more than just cards. There are scans of other artwork, and over 2,000 products. And there are links to every artist's site so you can learn more about their work.
Writing on the former Twitter, PKMJP said: "Years ago I wanted a place to scroll through all Japanese Pokémon cards, see a card's artist and learn what other artwork they've made. I wanted it so badly that I've spent hundreds of hours learning development making it happen slowly on weeknights and weekends. I remember the joy of getting the first set page working, displaying a small collection of cards. I knew it was just the beginning."
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