Jonathan Freedland’s thoughtful article resonates with my thoughts and experience (Society exposes us all to anti-Jewish tropes and attitudes. The first step is to notice them, 5 May), both in terms of recognising how I have absorbed negative cultural tropes of other groups and communities, and also in how they impact me personally.
Coming from a Romany Traveller background, I am often reminded by people’s casual remarks and statements that negative attitudes towards Gypsies and Travellers are part of British (European?) culture. There is an assumption that I will accept and agree with those views because I don’t appear “different”.
Learning how to challenge those attitudes and ideas has been an important education for me and, I hope, valuable for others.
Jacqueline Fisher
• Thank you, Jonathan Freedland, for providing a clear and comprehensive toolkit for identifying and understanding antisemitism today. This should be required reading for everyone involved in education, the media, politics and wider society.
Guy Thomson
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
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