BEAR SCOTLAND has confirmed that ice hitting cars on the Queensferry Crossing this morning (Tuesday, January 7) has not fallen from cables.
It comes after reports circulated on social media, suggesting that ice had built up on the bridge and was now falling on cars as they travelled southbound over it.
However, the road maintenance and management firm has said that it was actually an HGV that was to blame.
A BEAR Scotland spokesperson said: "BEAR Scotland received a report at 10.09am this morning that ice had hit a car windscreen on the Queensferry Crossing.
"A team immediately attended to inspect on-site, observing ice particles along the southbound carriageway in patterns and locations consistent with ice shedding from the roof of an HGV rather than from the bridge cables.
"Visual inspections have found no evidence of ice accreting to the bridge cables.
“Traffic Scotland has confirmed that they received no reports of ice falling from the cables on the Queensferry Crossing today, however, they did receive one report of ice falling from an HGV.”