We all remember our first bike. I don’t mean our first motorcycle, but rather, our first two-wheeled vehicle from when we were just wee little youngsters figuring out our way in this world. I remember mine very clearly—a clapped-out Mongoose BMX bike that was way too big for my five-year-old frame. I rode that bike until I became way too big for it, and I have fond memories of me and my dad jerry-rigging fixes to keep the thing rideable.
Needless to say, I owe pretty much my entire two-wheeled lifestyle to that janky ass Mongoose BMX bike. After all, it was on that rust bucket that I learned essential things like balance, counter-steering, and of course, skids and stoppies.
That was nearly three decades ago, and fast forward to today, I’d like to consider myself a moderately skilled, intermediate rider. And so I can’t help but imagine how much better tomorrow’s riders will be, especially given how amazing today’s kid-focused two-wheelers are.
Case in point would be Kawasaki’s brand-new Elektrode 20, a lightweight, capable, and adjustable balance bike designed for youngsters aged eight and up. Balance bikes are quite a big deal in the cycling world, as they transformed the way kids learn how to bike. Take the pedals out of the equation, and youngsters can focus all the attention in their growing brains towards one thing and one thing only: developing balance.

But the Kawasaki Elektrode 20 takes this a step further. It assumes that whoever’s riding already knows how to balance, and wants to skip the whole pedaling thing and go straight into motorcycles. It features an electric drive system with three speed modes to choose from, so your youngster can grow into the bike and explore its more powerful settings as they develop their skills. In its highest power setting, this thing pumps out 750 watts—right at the legal limit for electric bicycles in most parts of the US.
What’s most interesting with the Elektrode 20 is that it’s pretty much a stepping stone into the wonderful world of off-road riding. Look no further than RideApart Executive Editor Jonathon Klein, whose six-year-old daughter absolutely loves this thing. The Elektrode sets young riders up to get into either dirtbiking and motocross, or competitive mountain biking—two things that I absolutely love, and two things that I would absolutely love to share with my kids when the time comes.
And best of all, the Elektrode is designed specifically for kids—with a lot of adjustability baked in to account for their growing limbs. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if some dads and moms would rip up the trails on this thing, too.

Clearly, bikes like the Elektrode ensure that the future of our beloved two-wheeled lifestyle is in even more capable hands. I can only imagine how much better of a cyclist and motorcyclist I would be if I had this thing growing up.
So yeah, with the holidays fast approaching, this thing just might be the best gift you can give your youngsters. And if any kids are somehow reading this, well, you know what to ask mom and dad for this Christmas.
Source: Kawasaki