When Anthony Fowler was first asked if he'd like to try CBD oil, he felt sceptical.
The professional boxer, from Toxteth, said he initially turned the offer from a company as part of a paid promotion on the grounds he didn't know what CBD was or if he could trust it. But after speaking to his coach, who had already tried CBD, Anthony decided to try the oil to see if it would help with his jaw injury.
Anthony told the ECHO: "I tried the oil and within 10 minutes my jaw felt better. I could eat normally.
"Everyone thinks CBD is all the same thing but it's not, there's loads of different formulas people can take. I had to try them all."
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CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is a chemical extracted from hemp and cannabis plants. Cannabis products like CBD oils and food supplements have become popular in the treatment of issues including pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia.
According to the NHS, there's no guarantee that cannabis-based products that are available to buy online are of good quality or provide any health benefits.
Anthony, 31, decided to start his own business called Supreme CBD three years ago after testing 20 different CBD oils in a bid to find the best one. He said: "I'm very a competitive person in life; I've been in the Olympics, I've headlined the arenas, I'm very competitive so I made sure I had the best formula.
"I literally tried about 20 different brands before I decided which was the best one - and the best one we call it Supreme CBD.
"It gave me an extra lease of life and I felt a lot better after taking it. It can help injuries as well. I get bad wear and tear, I get bad wrists, bad elbows, bad back and that's all been great - I get none of that at all now.
"When I do big fights I used to feel a bit of pressure whereas now I feel a lot more confident, a lot calmer, of a night I sleep better. All these little things can make a big difference to your life."
Anthony claims his products, which include everything from CBD gummies to CBD muscle and joint rub balm, face cream and vapes are "changing people's lives on a daily basis." The brand has proved so popular since it started back in December 2019, it is now promoted by public figures like model and bodybuilder Jodie Marsh and two-time Olympic gold medal taekwondo champion, Jade Jones.
Anthony said: "If it didn't work it would be another fad that goes out of fashion but CBD is here to stay. I genuinely believe that in ten years time cannabis will be legal because that's been shown to help people who are in severe pain and terminally ill.
"I think as a plant it's been labelled a devil plant but it's really an angel plant. It's really a miracle plant in my opinion.
"CBD and cannabis are different - they're not the same thing. But they've both got some positive affects for certain people."

CBD products have become so popular in recent years that the market is estimated to be worth £690 million in the UK alone. But questions remain over the controversial trend and the health and wellbeing benefits users say they experience after taking CBD.
The FSA, which regulates the food industry, said there is still a lot we don't know about CBD extracts and there has been very little research about the effects they may have. The FSA advises healthy adults to think carefully before taking any CBD products and not to take more than 70mg a day, unless a doctor agrees more.
Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication are advised not to consume CBD products at all. With so many brands selling CBD, Anthony said there's some CBD products being sold such as CBD drinks that won't people the desired results and are of low quality.
Anthony said: "It's not as simple as 'CBD is great' - you need to find the right products. If you message our CBD page we'll tell you exactly how to use it and how to get the most out of it.
"Some companies are trying to sell weaker, cheaper brands that don't really do anything and they give CBD a bad name."
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