Journey had a lucky escape this weekend when a fire broke out at their show in Houston, Texas.
The band were playing as part of the RodeoHouston event at the NRG Stadium. They were four songs in and had just started playing the signature anthem Don’t Stop Believin' when the sound was suddenly cut. Fans kept on singing, believing that the halt in proceedings was all part of the show.
The band left the stage and staff clutching fire extinguishers rushed in the direction of the drum riser. It transpired that an electric fire had broken out just below the stage area.
And that was it. End of the show. The crowd was evacuated from the stadium. A little later, Journey’s drummer Deen Castronovo threw some light on what had actually happened in a Facebook post.
Posted by DeenCastronovoOfficial on
Castronovo wrote: "Hey, Houston. An act of God tonight. Fire broke out underneath the stage - right under my drum riser!"
"I was literally on fire for 4 ½ songs, all the power cables melted, and the show was a bust! That doesn't mean we won't be back soon, because we love you all – and we will return. God bless you all!"
Some fans left feeling a little preplexed by what they had just seen. Jake Asman, writing on Twitter/ X said: "I lived in Houston for six years and went to over 30 rodeo concerts—but I’ve never seen anything like this. Journey was in the middle of Don’t Stop Believin when the stadium speakers blew out. The entire concert is on hold!"
Commenting on Castronovo’s Facebook post, Stacy Martin-Daniels said: "Houston we had a problem! Crowd thought you wanted to hear us sing 🎤 😆 Everyone was so disappointed, including myself! Glad everyone is safe, we can’t wait to see you again! ❤️"
Luckily, it’s been confirmed that no-one was hurt or injured in the fire. The organisers of the event, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, have issued a statement, announcing that details about refunds and a rescheduling of the show will follow later.
The statement says: "Due to an unforeseen electrical incident under the stage area, we regretfully announce the cancellation of tonight's Journey concert.”
"We sincerely apologise to all fans for this disappointment. Our team is working diligently to assess the situation, and we will provide updates regarding rescheduling options and or refunds as soon as possible."