Warhammer just revealed a new board game set in its grimdark 40K universe, and it's another case of 'close, but no cigar' for Space Hulk fans.
If you're anything like me, you probably got very excited after seeing the announcement post's title of "Team Up and Clear Out a Space Hulk." But this isn't a remake of the classic Warhammer 40K game. More specifically, 'Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack!' is an entry-level experience exclusive to Target that sees players become pest control on one of the enormous starships. And by "pest," I mean "giant gibbering xenomorphs."
According to the reveal, this is a "fast-paced game for one to four players" that sees a band of Space Marines tackling the vessel floor by floor. To be precise, it requires us to "triumph against all three levels in one marathon game that will test your skills to the limit as you battle waves of enemies before facing off against the Tyranid Prime."
With its beginner focus, Tyranid Attack feels more like the best board games than a wargame – rather than a box full of miniatures, it features five hero models and enemies represented by cardboard tokens. It also includes what looks to be a modular board. However, you are getting minis based on five of the best-known Space Marine chapters: Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Iron Hands, and Salamanders. Am I a little salty that my beloved Dark Angels didn't make the cut? Sure. But this is still a decent rogue's gallery as it is.
Although it's only available at Target in the US for now, Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack! will apparently arrive in other territories later this year.
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