Have you ever wondered what it feels like to wake up and be the Queen?
According to royal sources, Her Maj enjoys expensive chocolate biscuits, a peaceful bath and what most of the working class would deem a lay in.
It all sounds pretty boujee to me, so I decided to try living like royalty for the morning.
Okay, I didn't have any maids, royal chefs or corgis and I couldn't find grated truffle in Lidl for the life of me.
But a fancy mushroom wasn't going to stop me from replicating Her Majesty's morning ritual, and making the most of it too.
7.30am - Pre-breakfast cuppa

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No matter where she's residing, the Queen is always woken up at the same time and in the same way each day.
At 7.30am, the Queen's personal maid knocks lightly on the door, enters and then places a tray with a silver pot of Twinings Earl Grey tea and milk next to her bed.
She has two of her favourite dark chocolate biscuits, Chocolate Olivers, beside her China teacup and saucer.
I sourced the most fitting teacup I could find and managed to track down a tin of the fancy biscuits - which cost me a ridiculous £12 on Amazon (yikes!)
I raised my eyebrows even higher at the price tag when I took a bite and realised how bitter they are.
Then I sat back and relaxed, listening to BBC Radio Four’s Today Programme, which - according to Brian Hoey, author of At Home With The Queen - is Her Majesty's staple show.
8.00am - Soak in the tub

Whilst the Queen drinks her first cup of tea, her maid will begin to run her morning bath.
For me, the tricky part wasn't running my own water but measuring it to exactly seven inches - as royal staff have confirmed Her Majesty doesn't like her bath to be any deeper.
She also has a preference for the temperature and orders it to be tested with a wooden thermometer.
I didn't have one to check, but I can safely say my bath would have been too hot for Liz's liking.
Next, a dresser is meant to lay out the Queen's outfit for the day.
Unfortunately, I don't have a fashion expert to pick out my clothes, so I rummaged through my wardrobe myself - but to feel the part, I folded my outfit in a pile before getting dressed.
8.30am Breakfast is served

With a team of world-class chefs at the ready, Her Majesty could pretty much eat anything she fancies for breakfast.
Which is why it's so surprising to hear that she often opts for a plastic bowl of Special K or Wilkins and Sons marmalade on toast.
Though on special occasions, Her Highness chooses something far more elaborate, and has scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and a grating of truffle.
As I was only going to live like the Queen for one morning, I decided to go wild and cook myself eggs, minus the truffle (obviously).
And I have to say, it was a big improvement from my normal peanut butter bagel.
9.30am - Let the bagpipes play

My disappointing lack of staff then meant I had to do the washing up, which killed my royal mood slightly.
But next it was time for the pièce de résistance - the sweet sound of bagpipes.
Apparently, the Queen spends every weekday morning listening to her kilted piper play out of the window.
As you can imagine, there aren't many bagpipe players wandering around the streets of Bristol - though I did double-check.

So I had to make do with a quick YouTube video which was arguably enjoyable, but I'm not sure my neighbours would agree.
At this point, the Queen carries on her day by sorting through her 'fan mail' and important sovereign letters - neither of which I had - so I finally logged onto work... 90 minutes late.
And that's the moment I realised, I definitely could not live like the Queen every day.
Unsurprisingly, a bath, cooked breakfast and moment's peace was far from my realistic morning routine.
I can now safely say I won't ever be buying Chocolate Olivers again, and you'll never catch me measuring my bath water - but I do know what it's like to wake up as royalty (kind of).
Find out all you need to know about the Queen's Platinum Jubilee here.
Do you have an unusual morning ritual to share? Email us at nia.dalton@reachplc.com