Sometimes, getting the motivation to actually start cleaning can be really difficult.
I always seem to find myself rushing from one place to the next, so struggle to find time to get cleaning done between working and socializing. So, when I heard of the 'One Hour' cleaning method, I couldn't think of a more perfect solution for me.
Having tried it out, it's a cleaning tip I will definitely be using going forward. Here's why.
I tried the 'One Hour' cleaning method
What is the 'One Hour' cleaning method?

In a world of cleaning methods to change up your cleaning routine, The 'One Hour' cleaning method is very much as simple as it sounds – you set a timer for one hour and see how much you can get done.
So, with my timer set and podcast playing, I set to work. This is everything I managed to get done in just one hour.
I washed up

First things first, I had some washing up to get done, so figured that was a good place to start.
Using Fairy Liquid Lemon available at Amazon, I got that done, and even deep cleaned my oven tray. At the end of the hour, my washing up was dry, so I was able to put it away into my kitchen cabinet ideas, and drawers promptly – which is one of my rules for a clutter-free kitchen.
Put away groceries

While not necessarily cleaning as such, I put away some groceries I had picked up earlier in my fridge storage ideas. There are ways to organize your home after bulk buying, but as I had only got a few bits, I popped them away to reduce visual clutter in the kitchen.
Straightened up the living room

Next, I headed into the living room to straighten up my sofa, put blankets away and fixed my sagging couch cushions by fluffing them up.
Sorted and put away laundry

If you're anything like me, you will always be looking for laundry hacks to save time, which are perfect when trying out the 'One Hour' cleaning method.
One of the organizing tricks I use to make laundry easier is sorting my dirty laundry ahead of time, so I picked up the clothes that were ready for the wash from my bedroom, and put away my ironing into my closet organization ideas.
If you're not sure how to sort clothes for laundry, sort by color primarily, then fabric – and don't forget to wash heavily soiled items separately. For example, I always wash my running gear separately, as gym and normal clothes are things you should never wash together in the washing machine.
All prices were correct at the time of publication.
Unlock the secret to quick laundry with this Joseph Joseph laundry organizer, which Chiana Dickson, Solved content editor here at Homes & Gardens describes as a 'game-changer.' It has removable laundry bags with handles to easily take your dirty laundry to the washing machine, and three compartments for easy separation.
Cleaned the bathroom

Next, with time still left on the clock, I headed downstairs to clean the bathroom. This is where I spent the bulk of my time. I:
- Cleaned mold in the shower: using spray such as the RMR-141 Mold and Mildew Killer available at Amazon.
- Cleaned the sink and bath: Using the Lysol Power Foaming Cleaning Spray for Bathrooms available at Amazon.
- Polished the faucets: Using the same spray and J-cloth, such as the Clorox Handi Wipes Multi-Use Reusable Cloths available at Amazon. Recently I tried cleaning hard water stains on my faucets with toothpaste, and was thoroughly impressed with the results.
- Dusted surfaces: I just used another, clean, dry J-cloth, but you could also use a microfiber cloth, such as the MR.SIGA Microfiber Cleaning Cloths available at Walmart, or the Scrub Daddy Damp Duster, available at Amazon.
I even had time to empty the bathroom bin and sort out the recycling. Then, time was up!
My verdict

Would I use the 'One Hour' cleaning method again? Yes.
It was such an efficient way to clean a house fast for someone who loves to procrastinate cleaning tasks, and I even managed to almost completely clean my bathroom in less than 30 minutes.
How do professionals clean so fast?
Cleaning pros are so efficient as they don't circle back to areas, and instead complete all the tasks in one specific space before moving on.
Similarly, the one touch tidying rule is an effective way to speed up sorting, by putting items away with one touch, without setting them down to deal with later.
With my newfound enthusiasm for quick cleaning, I will be trying the one spot cleaning trick next – after all, why not not harness the feeling of getting motivated to clean.