Primark's long-awaited click-and-collect system launched on Monday, and promptly crashed due to over-demand. The budget retailer had only launched it as a trial in just 25 stores — and even then selling just children's products.
Despite that, the chain was swamped by thousands of bargain hunters flocking to the website to try it out, the Mirror reports.
Journalist Danielle Kate Wroe was one of them. She spent nearly three hours trying to buy something in an experience she compared to the rush to secure Peter Kay tickets when more than 200,000 fans spent their Sunday trying to secure a seat for his first tour in 12 years.
She wrote: "To say it was the bane of my life for two and a half hours is an understatement. It felt as though I was back in the dreaded queue for Peter Kay tickets, except this time I couldn't physically see that there were over 200,000 people in front of me in the queue, which was possibly more irritating.
"For hours on end, I tried to add something — anything — to my basket. The trial, which is only available in 25 Primark stores (in north-west England, Yorkshire and north Wales), is only selling children's clothes and homeware With no kids to buy for, I just wanted to have a nosy and see how smooth the whole experience was."
Launch day wasn't smooth
"I added a £10 teddy into the cart, and then my laptop told me the website was unavailable. That, frustratingly, happened more times than I'd like to mention.
"I then took to Twitter to see if anyone else was experiencing similar issues, or whether it was just me. Turns out 90 per cent of the North were also trying to click and collect for their kids and the whole site had crashed as a result.
"By time I'd managed to add something else into the cart an hour and a half later, the original item had disappeared and my basket was worth a fiver. The minimum spend is £15, so I resisted the urge to scream and decided to buy an item worth over £15 on its own. Not my original plan, but I had to adapt, and fast.
"I found a Brontosaurus Plush Toy for £22, and for some reason didn't question why it was so expensive. I tried numerous times to add it to the basket, but it was having none of it.
"I tried and tried, but the website even went as far as to tell me the click-and-collect trial wasn't in Manchester and so I wouldn't be able to get that item in-store.
"More than mildly irritated, I thought 'one last try' — and voila! I finally went through to checkout. Phew! I confirmed I'd pick it up in the Manchester Market Street store on Wednesday, the closest available slot."
Teething problems seem to be sorted online
"On Tuesday, I went to check to see whether the website was running more smoothly and to Primark's credit it was. I then read the description of the item I'd bagged and was horrified when I read the dimensions — 88cm x 190cm x 64cm — making the toy tower a whopping 6ft 2in. I began to worry about how I would get it home.
"The description read: "Say hello to our cuddly Brontosaurus plush toy, an ancient dinosaur who is looking to make some not-so-ancient friends.
"A gentle giant, they're a proud Brontosaurus — made clear though the very long neck and sweeping tail. In a light green shade this Brontosaurus dino makes a lovely toy to cuddle up to on a cosy day at home — but we think adults will appreciate their company as well! Product made using a minimum of 30 per cent recycled plastic. I was excited to see what it was like."

Collecting the item
"On collection day I headed to Primark (with my father in tow, as I was expecting a gigantic parcel) and at the front of the shop, it was quite clear that click and collect was available in this store.
"The sign read: 'You're here! Let us know by clicking the link in your confirmation email.' It didn't actually tell me where to go, but thankfully I'd been browsing in-store not long ago and had noticed staff working on the click-and-collect area, so headed straight for the basement.
"Once there, I was impressed with how clutter-free the area was. It looked fresh, and there wasn't a queue. Perfect. It was worlds away from the hustle and bustle of upstairs, where people were clambering over Christmas jumpers and faux fur coats.
"After you purchase, Primark are really communicative via email letting you know when you've ordered, when it should be there, when it's being shipped and when it's arrived in store, so I knew what I needed to do. I pressed the button on my email and a staff member from the back came to help instantly.

"She joked that I'd brought my dad along — referring to him as the 'muscle' — as she handed over the parcel. I did laugh, but was a little confused as the parcel looked way smaller than I expected. Another staff member said it was the biggest click-and-collect order they'd done so far. It is early days, though.
"The staff member told me that if you do a click-and-collect order in store but still want to do some shopping while there, you can take the rest of your basket to pay for it at the desk while you collect your order, which I think anyone living near a trial store will certainly want to know!
"So, I walked out imagining that the 6ft 2in dinosaur was weirdly contorted into the box that looked a lot smaller than I was anticipating. After taking it out of the box, I was shocked to see it was around half the size I thought. It's still very cute, though.
"After contacting Primark regarding the size of the plush toy, they gave the following statement: "It looks like our baby Brontosaurus got carried away and described himself as being bigger than he really is. We’re sorry for the mix-up and have fixed the description now and will be processing a refund. We hope you’re still able to give him a good home."
"They also stated that a small number were sold before the error came to their attention and they'd be happy to offer anyone unhappy with the smaller product a full refund. Fair enough Primark."

My verdict
"Now people seem to be over the fact that Primark is offering click-and-collect, the website should run much more smoothly, and I can imagine it being a successful service. It reduced my time spent in-store, so when they branch out further it should be great. Of course, there were teething problems. I'd expect that with anything.
"But in the future, I would love to see more things available at the click-and-collect service. Imagine being able to select all the beauty items, clothes, and cosy pyjamas you wanted without the stress of barging through the endless Primark crowds.
"It would certainly be an option I'd choose again, especially as you can pay for other stuff at the click-and-collect too."
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