When it comes to buying a new pair of jeans I would normally turn to brands like Topshop and Levis as you know the quality and life of the jeans are good, but the only problem with these brands is their price tag, and I often have to look online and buy before you try. This leaves your high street shops as the place to go.
Finding the right pair of jeans can be hard to find, especially with varying sizes from store to store, a size 10 in one shop could be the same as a size 14 in another. There are also many different things we look for when finding that perfect pair: the quality of the denim, the way it fits on the body, whether they’re comfortable to wear all day and most importantly will they last longer than a month.
I headed into the city to compare jeans from two high street stores and find which one was best, the result wasn’t too much of a surprise.
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Zara Mom Fit Jeans
The first place I headed to was Zara in Cabot Circus. Known for their high-quality clothes, and price tags, I was intrigued to see what they had to offer in their jeans section. Having never bought jeans from Zara before, and not having done much shopping in the store, I had no expectations prior to trying the jeans on.
The first jeans I saw were a selection of Mom jeans in a range of different colours: white, black, a range of blues and khaki green. I do like the mom fit as they’re not skin tight but also not too big and flappy around your ankles. I grabbed a couple of sizes and headed for the changing rooms.
The jeans themselves, which cost £29.99, were actually really nice. I feel that maybe, because of the style of jeans, they were on the smaller size so I had to go up one size, but once I did they fit like a glove. The quality of the denim was amazing and had a thickness that suggested it was a good quality and wasn’t going to lose its shape.
I loved everything about this pair and I was seriously considering buying them; I’m in desperate need of a new pair of blue jeans. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new pair of blue jeans for the spring.

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Primark Straight Leg Jeans
For my comparison, I headed to fan favourite Primark, to see what jeans they had to offer. I’ve not worn Primark jeans in many years, I fell out of love with the way they fit and the quality of the fabric used. Another thing I tend to find with Primark trousers is they don’t seem to be consistent with their sizing, one size 12 can be completely different to another size 12.
In Primark I decided to try the most similar pair of jeans I could find that would provide a good comparison which ended up being their straight-leg jeans costing £16. Having had sizing issues in the store before, I took three different sizes with me to the changing rooms just in case.
While I’d love to be able to say I was pleasantly surprised, unfortunately trying these jeans did not change my opinion on Primark’s offerings. They didn’t fit too badly once on but they seemed to puckered quite a lot which just shows the quality of the material. The denim seemed weirdly thin and felt like it could easily become threadbare in a matter of a few months. They were also too long in the leg, which could be solved by rolling the cuffs up.
I personally wouldn’t recommend these to others but if you’re looking for something cheap and don’t mind a thinner denim then you may like these more than I did.
I found that while the Primark pair are relatively cheap, I would much rather pay a little more and get something that is better in quality and Zara’s jeans had the perfect balance.

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