The price of just about everything is on the rise and when it comes to cooking oil, you'll be lucky if you can find any at all.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is leading to global shortages of the stuff, as well as soaring prices and some supermarkets are even limiting how much customers can buy.
Step forward the JML Regis Copper Stone Pan.
If you're anything like me, you'll have watched the advert, thought 'that looks good' before the cynic in you takes over with 'it's probably a load of rubbish'.
And let's be honest, nobody wants to spend upwards of £20 on something that might well be 'a load of rubbish'.

Well be gone that cynic, because this thing really is the shizzle.
Having spent two days trying to remove the remnants of some scrambled egg from my old pan - which, if I'm honest has seen better days - I thought it would be good to see how the fancy Copper Stone coped with the same.
It probably says more about my age and the need to get out more when I say it was the most exciting thing to happen all month.
My scrambled egg, which would previously stick to my old pan like chewing gum to a bus seat, was gliding around my pan like Torvill and Dean - showing my age there again aren't I.

Honestly, it was a revelation. It actually does what it says on the ad.
Apparently it's all down to the 'cutting-edge non-stick technology coupled with unparalleled heat distribution and class leading levels of durability and scratch-resistance'.
I couldn't care less what it's down to, but if it means I don't have to be scouring supermarkets for cooking oil - and shelling out over the odds for yet another item that's going up in price - then it gets a thumbs up from me.
It might take a while before it's paid for itself, especially if you opt for the largest £30 pan, but in my opinion it's worth every penny. And unlike other kitchen items (did someone say George Foreman) it won't end up stuck at the back of the cupboard gathering dust. In fact, nothing is sticking to this bad boy.

You can but the pan in three sizes - 20cm, 24cm and 28cm. Retailers include Wilko, Dunelm, Argos, The Food Warehouse and Robert Dyas.
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