While some parents spend the full nine months agonising over baby names, others know exactly what they're going to call their child before they're even conceived. One pregnant woman explained how she tricked her sister into thinking she was giving her son a "classic name" like Herbert, Ambrose or Ezekiel, knowing she would "steal it".
She shared how she intended to keep her son's name a secret until after he was born - but her sister "begged and begged" her to reveal it beforehand. She said: "My sister and I were pregnant at the same time. We started discussing baby names and I said I would not tell her the one my husband and I chose for our son.

"My sister is kind of a jerk and always enjoys taking things that meant a lot to me when we were growing up. Well, she begged and begged and even got our mum involved.
"I finally told her I was naming my son after my husband's grandfather. Sure enough she has her baby and low and behold, his first name is the name I told her."
The sister tried to justify her actions by saying "classic names" were always on her list and a name doesn't belong to any one person.
But the woman got the last laugh admitting to Reddit that she made up the entire thing to make sure her sister didn't steal the actual name she and her husband had picked out.

"I guess she expected me to blow a gasket or something," she added. "When my son was born, I gave him the name my husband and I agreed on - and it suit him and he is perfect.
"My son's name is Asher. His cousin is Ezekiel. My sister is telling everyone I tricked her into giving her son a goofy name.
"I love the idea of telling people she knew I planned to use that family name but she took it so we went with a backup."
While most users couldn't help but laugh at her devious plan, others claim she shouldn't have used her son's name as a 'weapon' against her annoying sister.
One user said: "Ezekiel is a perfectly normal name these days - it won't stand out or sound like an 'old man name' for his generation.
"But the sister sounds like a nightmare, but I could almost say everyone is wrong just because the woman is also being weirdly judgemental by labelling it a 'stupid name'."
Another user added: "Old fashioned names are so cute. I guess she has a sister rivalry with you that only she knows about.
"It just seems like she really thought that by taking the name you gave her, you was going to lash out on her.
"When she didn't get that reaction, you became the a***hole for two reasons - by not reacting the way she wanted you too and by giving her a false name that you wasn't going to use.
"Imagine if both the boys had the same name - so weird."
A third user said: "She openly admitted to stealing the name! The sister said she tricked her into it, so I'd take that as an admission of guilt!"
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