PinkPantheress has revealed that she’s lost a significant amount of the hearing in one of her ears after it was damaged by the sound of microphone feedback.
The subject was raised by Louis Theroux when he spoke to the star recently on his Spotify podcast: “You’ve lost 80% of your hearing in one of your ears - how come?” he enquired.
“Because of the microphone going too near to a speaker, really,” replied the British singer and producer, before going on to confirm that feedback was to blame.
Recalling the moment it happened, PinkPantheress said: “At first it was just a really annoying ringing, and I thought it was going to be fine. But it happened on the day and ever since that day, even on the day it happened, I was trying to find… I got like some weird ear drops and I thought that was going to help. I thought it was going to be fine in the coming weeks.”
Sadly, though, this turned out not to be the case: “It just kept going down to the point now where it’s weird because I can’t hear a lot of like high stuff, but I can make out people.”
Describing the quality of the hearing in her damaged ear now, PinkPantheress explains: “It’s just like bass - it sounds like if somebody took your voice and removed all the high end and it was just bass.”
Fortunately, only the right ear was damaged in the incident, and PinkPantheress was happy to make light of the issue when Theroux suggested that it could have been quite a lot to deal with. “It’s fine - I could say ‘Oh, I still have bass,’” she joked.
Despite her impressively sanguine attitude, PinkPantheress's tale serves as a salient reminder to protect your hearing when you’re in situations where it could be damaged, whether that be in the practice room or at a gig. If you’re a musician, it goes without saying that your ears are crucially important, so you need to look after them.
You can listen to Louis Theroux’s full interview with PinkPantheress on Spotify.