V Feethand is a Cyberpunk 2077 mod that exchanges V's hands for feet. Here's a picture.

Still with me? Great. Per its author, who lists themselves as "me" in the Created By box and "resetygk" in the Uploaded By box, it uses a foot model taken from the less gnomically titled VTK Vanilla HD Body for FemV mod and—as I mentioned earlier—replaces V's usual hands with them. Feethand, you see. You get it. You're smart people.
"Change hand to feet," explains resetygk, crisply, in the mod's description. They're right. Having played probably too much of Cyberpunk 2077 using V Feethand, I can offer you my assurance that it absolutely change V hand to feet. There's just no getting around it. Also, it's genuinely a bit fantastic and—if you'll permit me to switch briefly to my self-serious games critic persona—exemplifies what I love most about this ramshackle platform of ours: untrammelled player creativity, even in instances where maybe a bit of trammelling wouldn't go amiss.
V Feethand (it changes hand to feet)
Resetygk doesn't go into much detail as to what their motivations were in creating V Feethand, but that's fine. We don't need them to, do we? We all know why they've done this.
All the insight we get is this: Besides the concise description of the mod's function and a tip of the hat to VTK Vanilla, all our author says—and the Mandarin subs in their screenshots lead me to believe English is probably not their first language, so don't take this as mean-spirited mockery—is "dont work well but i want one".
I'm interpreting that as 'Look, I'm just a person/visionary who really wanted V's hands to be feet, and since no one else had made that mod for some reason I did it myself, which is why it's a little janky.'

And frankly, I think they're doing themselves a disservice. I've played probably more V Feethand than anyone else alive on Earth at this point, and honestly it works scarily well. There is an issue with implants: try to use arm augmentations and V's hands will just turn invisible, but so long as you're using her default meaty paws? It's flawless feethands as far as the eye can see.
They work with disconcerting seamlessness, as if an animator at CDPR has had a Google Alert set up for precisely this kind of mod for the past five years and could barely contain themselves when it finally pinged. Watching V kick the bolt of a rifle backwards as she hoofs another magazine into the well—you struggle to imagine it looking any other way.
My favourite thing has gotta be driving, though. First-person mode is a gift for the V Feethand users of the world. Once our hero has ejected a vehicle's current occupant with a hasty toe grip, it's almost as if she immediately reclines in the driver's seat, two heels on the wheel as she cruises toward whatever the future brings. I like to imagine her rolling a cigarette with her hands. Except, of course, her hands are feet. V Feethand.
The bit where I attempt to arrive at a point
Why V Feethand? Why anything, reader? Why love? Why charity? Why honour? Why life?

But OK, I should probably gin up some kind of post-hoc justification for inserting these images into your brain until, let's be honest, the day you die, and I think I actually have one. I love mods. And not just the great, goliath projects like Tamriel Rebuilt or The Long War, but the bizarre little tweaks and fixes that will only ever be relevant to a vanishing minority of hyper-particular people. It's wonderful not only that these can exist but that they actively flourish.
If anything, V Feethand expands CP2077 in a fairly lore-accurate way. There would absolutely be people in Night City who replaced their hands with feet. This is just someone plugging a plot hole in the implant system that CDPR left behind.
It's the thing that makes this particular corner of our hobby—the PC corner—really worth all the fuss, worth all the bloody fingers from rooting around PC cases, the twisted backs from hunching over desks. It's not the DLSS version whatever, it's the fact that any beautiful madman with a dream can pick up a spanner and, you know, replace his hands with feet. It's the openness and creativity and nothing else. So raise the V Feethand banner proudly: Long may it change hand to feet.