I'm a huge anime fan. From the best anime of 2022 to some of the newer releases in 2023 to the fantastic Studio Ghibli movies, I've only continued to enjoy the art form more as time has passed. As I've gotten older, I've remembered that my introduction to anime was Pokémon, as was the case for many people my age.
I'm sure none of us realized it, considering Pokémon was broadcast on Cartoon Network in America, and devout anime fans will remind whoever they are speaking to that anime is not a cartoon, which I agree with. Even so, I genuinely loved this series and every region Ash decided to explore.
For some reason, on one lonely Saturday afternoon, I decided to revisit my childhood – and that meant watching the very first Pokémon movie – otherwise known as Pokémon: The First Movie. What a fitting title.
I still remember when I was younger and had the movie on VHS tape, but obviously, now, it's available to rent on Amazon Prime. So I dived in and enjoyed the Pokémon ride of nostalgia. And wow…what a journey it was traveling back in time to when I was a child.

It Was So Sweet To See Ash, Misty, And Brock Again – Especially Since Ash Isn't Even The Main Character Anymore
I'm sure all of us remember Ash's companions across the Pokémon series, but none of them were as memorable as Misty and Brock. Of course, those are the two characters we see the most in Pokémon: The First Movie, besides Ash himself.

This series has genuinely seen its ups and downs with its characters, but there's no denying that every single one offered some valuable entertainment and fun moments. I've come to care for other characters just as much as the original, but there's always something about Brock and Misty that makes me smile and transport me instantly back to when I was a kid.
It's also the fact that it's Ash. The character is arguably one of the mascots of Pokémon. While they decided to stop his story after twenty-five years in early 2023 and continue the anime with new characters, this was when he was still just getting to know the world, when he was beginning on his journey, before he became a champion. It's nice to see him like that.
I may have a place in my heart for new people, but no one will ever replace Ash and his first two companions.

Remember When There Were Only 151 Pokémon? Those Were The Days
I still play Pokémon on my Nintendo Switch because the games bring me joy, even if they have yet to advance much in terms of style and gameplay.
Watching The First Movie made me reminisce about the days when there weren't 1000+ Pokémon, because there were just 151.
I wasn't even aware of Pokémon when there were only 151, but those were the ones I became very familiar with because my brother had all the trading cards. It's almost funny now to think of how many strange and weird designs there are, how many pocket monsters have appeared – and how many more are most likely set to come.
And yet we still haven't gotten another Eevee evolution since Generation 6? Pokémon, get your ish together.

Mewtwo Is Still Just As Terrifying Even Now
Mewtwo was always a Pokémon I genuinely felt scared of as a kid, but now, as an adult, I realize it's from the voice-acting. Sure, it's terrifying, swollen up, super large and could easily crush you, but the voice makes him that much more intimidating.
While we don't see Mewtwo physically move his lips, we hear him speak through his mind, showing his power. His battle with Mew always draws in the eyes of anyone watching. Respectfully, I would stay out of his way.

Also, Can We Talk About How Traumatizing Ash Turning To Literal Stone is?
I swear to God; this traumatized me as a child.
Ash turning to stone was something that I'm pretty sure defined my generation, because that was Ash dying. I’m not sugarcoating it. He was petrified. There was no coming back from it. It was the terrified look on his face that sits etched into my mind – followed by Pikachu crying and trying to shock him back to life, a callback to how he shocked Ash in the first episode of Pokémon.
That's freaking heartbreaking. While Ash does get out of it in the end, thanks to the tears of the Pokémon around him, it’s a horrifying thought – getting petrified by Mewtwo, all because he wanted to intervene between the battle of the legendaries.

Watching The Pokémon Clones Fight Each Other Genuinely Breaks My Heart
I can't tell you how many times I have seen the gif of the two Pikachu's slapping each other from this movie, but jokes aside, this scene is quite sad. I feel about as depressed watching it now as I did when I was younger.
The cloned Pokémon and the real Pokémon fight each other, all because Mewtwo demands it, but as the battle rages on, they grow more tired, to the point where they can barely stand. They don't want to be doing this, but they feel like they have to, and it slowly cascades into something even more heartbreaking.
They're all Pokémon, and aren’t meant to fight each other like this, and the tears in their eyes make it even worse.

Seriously, How Many Legendary Pokémon Has Ash Seen Now?
This is extremely random, but how many legendary Pokémon has Ash seen at this point? I swear, watching Ash witness Mew, Mewtwo, and now the one outside of his home Pallet Town – it's almost like the legendary Pokémon are looking for him, and it's driving me up the wall.
I mean, even Mew was considered a legendary Pokemon back when this film first came out. Why can't the legendary Pokémon come to me in my games this easily, huh?

This Movie Brings A Certain Comfort To Me I Can't Even Describe
I can't describe how much this movie means to me.
Pokémon was one of those shows I would turn to on a chilly fall day and settle under a blanket while drinking hot apple cider. The theme songs would bring me joy, the games were entertaining, and my brother and I would trade cards for hours. When I began to watch the movies, I felt that similar feeling.
Watching Pokémon: The First Movie was like being transported back to my childhood. I was cuddled up on my couch with that same smile, this time with an Eevee blanket around my body instead of my baby blanket as a kid. It was this calmness that I rarely experience, and that's because I didn't understand just how much I did love this movie.
It's a perfect film from my childhood, and while there are plenty of other films in the Pokémon franchise, this one will always stand out.
This was a fun rewatch, but now I want to go out and play Pokémon GO again to somehow catch more Pokémon. I did not expect this plot twist – I guess I have to go on a walk now. Or wait for a possible Pokémon: Detective Pikachu 2 to bide my time. I feel the need to catch them all now.