A man has been slammed for naming his daughter after a superhero from a DC comic book - and only coming clean about it after her birth. He explained how he and his wife spent hours searching through baby names before finally agreeing to name their daughter Laurel.
The dad didn't share his inspiration for the name at the time - instead shrugging it off as irrelevant information. But three months after their daughter's arrival, his wife was furious to learn the truth about where it came from. Taking to Reddit, he said: "My wife's aunt came to visit us to see her. While we were talking, she asked how we came up with our daughter's name, as it's not, in her opinion, 'traditional'.

"My wife turned to me and asked me where I got it. I said it was from a comic book.
"My comment sucked the life out of the room. My wife got quiet. Her aunt was giving us looks.
"After my wife's aunt left, my wife was mad. She asked why I hid this from her.
"I didn't even realise I never told her where I saw the name until now. She thinks I betrayed her trust and humiliated her."
However, he argues the name ticked all their boxes - and doesn't understand her sudden dislike for it now knowing it's inspired by a comic book character.
Superhero Laurel Grand appears in DC Comics as a replacement for Supergirl, primarily as a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
He added: "My wife and I both suggested several names during the pregnancy.
"We both agreed that we wanted something pretty and unique enough that there probably won't be two in her class, but normal enough that no one would think it was weird, and nothing trendy that will become 'dated'.
"We had a big whiteboard in the kitchen where we wrote down names. Eventually we decided to both take an eraser and get rid of any names we didn't love.
"After that we had four names to choose from, and we ended up deciding on one of the ones I had originally written down."
While most users agreed it's her own fault for not asking, others argued it shouldn't matter where it came from as they both agreed on it.
Commenting on his post, one user said: "Who cares where you got the name from, it was a pretty name, not too odd, that you both liked.
"People get names from all sorts of sources. You read them in books, remember them from acquaintances you met, whatever.
"There wasn't a requirement that the name came with a sentimental backstory, and your wife is being unfair."
Another user added: "It sounds like you both liked the way the name sounds, and had reasonable criteria to meet - and the name met the criteria.
"I don’t see why it matters if it’s a comic book, a Bible, the end roll credits of a movie, or a book of baby names. Your criteria are sound, where you heard the name shouldn’t matter."
A third user said: " If your wife is embarrassed by that kind of association, what else will she ask you to concede to 'save face'? She sounds immature."
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