One of Canberra's most popular bars has been taken over after concerns the venue was closing for good.
Live music hotspot Sideway will reopen as Shadows after being bought by Andrew Heaney.
The announcement comes after Sideway's current owners revealed plans for "one last dance" at the Civic venue, many believing the bar was closing down for good.
Mr Heaney was looking forward to continuing to offer live music in Canberra.
He planned to keep the culture Sideway was known for.
"The idea is to just do exactly kind of what they're doing now, which is live music for Canberra in an intimate venue," he said.
"I don't think it's gonna change a lot, to be honest with you."
Mr Heaney hoped to open the bar for afternoon sessions, and continue the current weekly schedule of events.
The current owners of Sideway - Nico, Tim and Fin - recently announced they would be closing on June 14.

They've been running the bar since 2019, with well-known bands including Teen Jesus and Jean Teasers performing at the venue.
The owners encouraged Canberrans to get out and support venues, saying they'd learned a few things during their ownership and locals shouldn't "take venues for granted".
Mr Heaney agreed attracting people to events was the biggest challenge facing music venues in Canberra.
"If we don't get people in the door, then at some point in the future, we'll be shutting the door," he said.
"It has to make money."
While he hasn't worked in the music industry in a few years, Mr Heaney started his career working in audio engineering at the Sydney Entertainment Centre.
He's not planning on getting on stage, though, leaving the performing to the artists.
"My role is about kind of trying to keep enough money coming in the door that we can keep the venue alive," he said.
He was particularly keen on supporting Canberra artists, who have taken a hit in the cost-of-living crisis.
Mr Heaney wouldn't be drawn on how much he paid for the business, only that the amount was "worth giving it a go" to try and "keep the place alive".
He hadn't yet talked to staff, but was happy to keep them on.
The bar will be reopening as Shadows on Saturday, June 15, the night after the current owners shut up shop.