I consult my astrologer Jane on every major decision in my life. I first met her while hosting an event – I’m a psychic medium – and Jane told me she’d already looked up my birth chart when we chatted. A birth chart is a snapshot of where all the planets were in the sky at the time you were born, and it can tell you a lot about yourself. She gave off really good energy, and we clicked immediately. In her day job, Jane works in her family’s hospitality and catering business. She doesn’t really sell herself and does this part-time.
Of the decisions I’ve made with Jane’s help, choosing my partner has been the most significant. As soon as I met Stuart, I contacted Jane to see if a relationship with him would be worth pursuing. I’d been married and divorced before, so I didn’t want to get anything wrong this time.
Stuart was born on the cusp of Aries and Pisces, which means he was born just as the date for one star sign finishes and another one begins. Obviously, every relationship has its ups and downs, but the things Jane highlighted early on meant that I could predict what it would be like if we were together. It meant I had more of an understanding of him, rather than thinking, “I can’t be with him because he’s not perfect”.
When Stuart proposed, I didn’t want to take any chances, so I asked Jane what day and time we should get married. She looked at my birth chart and she looked at his birth chart. She told me I needed to get married on 29 July at 12.30pm. That was a Friday. And bearing in mind that there was only one venue I wanted to get married in, we went to see if they had availability on that day.
When we arrived, we were told that they only had one date available in that time period: 29 July. Then we visited the registrar to book our ceremony, and again only one slot was available: at some point between 12 and 2pm.
Jane also once told me that my dad, who I hadn’t spoken to in 14 years, would get in touch with me. It was something in my charts and in the planets, she said. I had my doubts
I always ask her about stuff like this. She can predict whether the stars will cause delays to our plans based on the movements of Mercury, for example. She looks at events in my life and advises, “don’t do it” or “wait”, or “hurry up”. And whatever the advice is, it’s always been correct. If she had told me that Stuart was wrong for me, I wouldn’t have pursued a relationship with him. And I also wouldn’t have married him if the stars didn’t align. But they did.
Stuart was sceptical about mine and Jane’s bond at first, but he’s come around now. He’s even consulted her for his own career changes. He was a mechanic for a big company, and we asked Jane if he would be good as my manager, and she said he would. That’s worked out too.
I’ve consulted Jane on so many other things, too – like my business. As I mentioned, I’m a psychic medium and I launched a magazine last year called Spiritual Lifestyle, and she advised me it was a good idea. Even seemingly small things – like the day that I first registered my business – I do in consultation with Jane and the planets.

If she’s told me that someone isn’t good for me, then I take that on board. I would distance myself. She once told me that I would have challenges with the man I’d hired to help me set up my business. I sensed she was right, so I decided to cut ties with him.
Although she hasn’t got anything wrong yet, I’ve had moments, of course, where I’ve been surprised by some of her predictions. Last year she told me that I wouldn’t be travelling much in the next 12 months. But I’d already planned trips to Japan and the US, so I couldn’t figure out how her message could be true. I’d been travelling to Japan for regular events for a spiritual education company about three times a year for 10 years. What could be different this time?
But then the company in Japan downsized, which meant that my events were postponed. The same thing happened in the US. Because of Covid, the company who hired me to do events there changed venues, which again meant that I wouldn’t be going over there this year. All my plans changed. So, despite my initial confusion, I haven’t travelled much this year – just as she predicted.

She also once told me that my dad, who I hadn’t spoken to in 14 years, would get in touch with me. It was something in my charts and in the planets, she said. I had my doubts. How could he turn back up after all these years? But he actually did, and it was good to know in advance because I felt a bit more prepared for it.
Astrology has been helpful for my healing, too, which is important – especially if you’ve had a difficult upbringing. I always felt like I wasn’t good enough. All of us feel like a bit of a failure sometimes, don’t we? But with astrology, I’ve been able to look at the things I need to work on. I’ve been able to forgive myself.
Have you got a life story? Contact maira.butt@independent.co.uk