When reports that an unidentified flying object had been seen in the skies over Filton, near Bristol surfaced one man quickly knew the answer. People took photographs of the mysterious silver sight and reports began to emerge that it might even be a space ship.
At the time, Bristol Live reported that the 'UFO', while people were questioning exactly what it was, did look pretty similar to a helium balloon shaped as a number or letter. Now they have discovered they were right when the "alien" revealed himself.
For Tim Bell, who celebrated his 50th birthday on Friday, got in touch to give an explanation. And it was not as exciting as many had hoped.
For it turned out he had lost both of his helium-filled balloons, which were in the shape of a five and a zero, during his garden party at around 4pm. And what was seen in the sky was the number five, reports Bristol Live.
Tim said the balloons had been a gift from his cousin. And they came complete with a label which read: "Happy 50th Tim, from Jonathan".

He said: "The alien UFO was my 50th balloon - I had a '5' and a '0' in my garden party yesterday that blew away. So I guess I'm the alien you're looking for - the alien is from St George!"
People had reportedly flocked to take photos of the silver object in the sky as it flew above North Filton at around 6pm yesterday evening. The resident who took the photos, David Leahy, said: "I was about to get a Chinese carryout when I spotted it.
"A few people were taking pictures when they saw me taking some. It's probably just a weather balloon, but you never know!
"It was ascending slowly I think - no sudden movements, so probably not ET!"
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