A pensioner is so worried about her bills that she travels around her hometown on a bus to avoid heating her home.
Charity chiefs revealed the huge impact which the cost of living crisis is having on old people as energy bills continue to rocket.
Age UK has seen an alarming rise in calls from worried OAPs who simply cannot afford to pay energy bills.
One woman, who lives in the affluent spa town of Harrogate in North Yorkshire, told the charity she is being forced to travel on the bus most days with her dog to keep her gas and electricity bills down.
The charity urged Chancellor and Richmond MP Rishi Sunak to “think again” to protect the elderly on low incomes from the energy crisis.
Helen Hunter, Chief Executive of Age UK North Yorkshire and Darlington, warned support announced so far “simply does not go far enough.”

She said: "This year has been unbelievable. We have a team who help old people with energy saving and this story came to my attention.
"She is an elderly lady in Harrogate which is a really affluent area and yet she sits on a bus all day to keep her bills down.
“The cost of her gas standing charge and price per KWH has doubled.
"She is entitled to the Warm Home discount but this has remained at the same rate for years and does not go far enough to help with extra costs.
"She has illnesses that are made worse by the cold and is at greater risk of deteriorating health. It is incredibly lonely for her, exactly the opposite of what we want, it sums up everything that is wrong with the system."
With average bills set to rise by £693 a year from April, and certain to increase further, the support the Chancellor has announced 'simply does not go far enough', according to Age UK.

The charity has been placed under immense funding pressure due to lockdown.
Two thirds of their staff in the North Yorkshire area were made redundant, with buildings and cafes closed.
They own their premises in Darlington, Co Durham and share space in remaining sites in North Yorkshire which offer vital support to old people.
"We encourage people to come to our cafe and they can get a cup of tea and enjoy the company," added Ms Hunt.
"We have a group of older veterans who come together as a group every day and that is what we are there for."
Age UK believes the Government should provide payments of £500 to everyone eligible for the Cold Weather Payment.