Your obituary of Judith Durham (8 August) has a glaring omission: to credit her with singing what has become the unofficial Australian national anthem, sung on Australia Day and at sporting events, I Am Australian. It is probably her greatest legacy to her homeland. Hearing it even brings a tear to this pommy’s eye, missing her son in Sydney (and remembering singing it after a few too many).
Margot Crookshank
Hove, East Sussex
• I still have a copy of Nancy Banks-Smith’s article celebrating Horace, the computer responsible for subtitling the Diana-Charles wedding (The bride wore quistls, 30 July 2001). It still makes me laugh out loud. Delighted to find that Nancy hasn’t lost the knack after reading her piece on June Spencer leaving The Archers (Nancy Banks-Smith on June Spencer: 70 years of muck and bullocks!, 8 August).
Angela Lansley
• I am puzzled by Zoe Williams’ fear that she is now cast out from feminism (Thanks to my feminist principles I kept my name after I married – until I met my mortgage advisor, 9 August). Is Williams her mother’s name? Otherwise, I fail to see how feminist it is to keep the name of one patriarch over another.
Julia Kantic
Split, Croatia
• On visits to the US, it gradually dawned on me that Americans – well, New Yorkers anyway – don’t eat soft-boiled eggs. So now we take egg cups, and an egg prick to avoid bursts (Letters, 9 August).
Steven Burkeman
• One simple measure will cut heating and lighting bills this winter: don’t put the clocks back.
Dr Colin J Smith
West Kirby, Merseyside
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.