A woman who made the decision to grow out her grey hair and ditch the dye says it's the "best thing" she's ever done - and the compliments don't stop coming. Sara Saunders, 54, from Gravesend, Kent, stopped dying her hair in lockdown and hasn't looked back since.
Sara says her hair has never been in a better condition and young people regularly tell her how great it looks - even mistaking the silver locks for dye. She explained: "I think it gives me a confidence boost. I do get a lot of compliments from people. I like to think that I'm proud I've done this process.

Sara used to spend £120 a year on colouring and now she's got a full head of natural hair - which she loves.
"It's the best thing I've done. My hair condition is amazing now," she said.
"Lockdown made me do it. I was getting fed up of dying my hair and I was finding it was ruining my hair.
"I just went through the process, I didn't get it cut all the way through lockdown because you couldn't.
"And by the time you could it was almost grown out. A lot of my friends say they much prefer me with the hair colour I've got now."

Sara says she now gets lots of compliments - mainly from younger people - and enjoys pairing her new hair with trendy outfits to keep her look fresh.
"I don't call it grey, I call it arctic blonde or silver," she said. "There are so many shades and it's fascinating to see what your body is doing.
"[People think] you've got grey hair so you must be old but I don't dress old.
"I still wear my leather jeans and knee-high boots, I try to stay with it without every focus being on my silver hair.

"A lot of the compliments are from the younger people. Because there's so many colours in it they think it's dyed and highlighted but I say no, this is natural."
Sara says she has no regrets about the decision and would urge others to try it.
"I used to look back on old pictures and wonder if I had done the right thing," she said.
"But I've enjoyed the journey and thoroughly recommend it. I wouldn't put my hair through [dying] again. It's the best condition it's ever been in."
Have you decided to embrace your grey hair too? Email nia.dalton@reachplc.com.