After a landslide election victory, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr is to become the next president of the Philippines. The son and namesake of the late dictator received more than 30m votes, beating his closest rival, the current vice-president, Leni Robredo.
Here, seven people in the Philippines share their views on the result and how they feel about the future of the country.
‘Utterly disappointed’

I’m utterly disappointed with how ill-informed people are and this election shows how bad democracy can be. My dad is a Marcos apologist, and I used to believe that martial law was a “golden era” because he told me so until I enrolled and graduated law school. My dad is a hardworking person and I can respect opinions, but I can’t allow historical revisionism.
My father told me that I should listen to him because he thinks textbooks and education, and news and basically all forms of credible info, are all just made up by oligarchs to control the narrative and keep Filipinos poor.
I voted for Leni Robredo and can’t believe how efficient she is with her time and how diligent she is in serving the people. I can’t believe the majority of Filipinos are trashing her for being too good to be true. I just hope that after this administration people will come to their senses. Lyn, 27, Baguio city – voted for Robredo
‘It’s a grim time in the Philippines’
The election results are appalling and are a demonstration of how history revisionism has been happening right under our noses the past few years. I honestly cannot fathom the idea of being under a Marcos administration. It is a grim time in the Philippines at the moment.
I voted for Leni Robredo. My vote was informed by my confidence in her integrity, qualifications and competencies as a leader. She proved herself during her six-year term as vice-president to Duterte. She offered hope to the Filipino people that we can actually vote for someone good and just. I hope for a Philippines rid of political dynasties. I hope that the Philippines finally rejects politicians who are unqualified and stops voting for celebrities, entertainers and others who know nothing about writing bills or passing laws.
We cannot be swayed by empty promises any more. I hope that every single Filipino holds the new administration accountable and is open to calling out and criticising where they fall short. Celina, 24, government worker, Metro Manila – voted for Robredo

I feel ecstatic about the election results. The Marcoses built a lot of infrastructure which still exists today – infrastructure in the Philippines has been neglected for decades. Our expectation is that it will now be the focus of this new administration.
I feel that the presidencies following that of Ferdinand Marcos Sr did not really bring about lasting progress. The Philippines continues to lag behind Asean [Association of South-east Asian Nations] neighbours. It is hoped that the new administration will work towards defeating the pandemic, reviving the economy and making the Philippines more competitive and investor-friendly. Mary, 48, project finance analyst, Mandaluyong city – voted for Ferdinand Marcos Jr
‘Filipinos want a Marcos return in order to instil discipline, progress, and bring back peace and order’
People don’t realise that even though there was support for Leni [Robredo], there was a more powerful silent majority who supported Marcos Jr. Filipinos want a Marcos return in order to instil discipline, progress, and bring back peace and order.
I voted for Pac-Man [Manny Pacquiao]. He is clean and has the heart and will to reach out to his people. He has shown true and sincere dedication in service and is known for his public service. He has also gained wisdom through his years as a congressman and senator. On top of his rigid boxing training, he is a true Cinderella man. Rene, 63, architect, Nueva Ecija – voted for Manny Pacquiao
‘A big embarrassment’

It’s a big embarrassment, for we suffered under the brutality and greed of the parents of Marcos Jr. I couldn’t in conscience vote for Marcos Jr, because I don’t believe the narrative that the reign of his father is the Philippine golden age, which it was not.
I also could not vote for his opponent [Robredo] because I felt she would just be a repeat of Noynoy Aquino. So I voted for the leftist candidate Leody de Guzman as a protest vote but wish Sara Duterte ran for president instead. We have a weak political party system and I believe the problem in the Philippines is we have a defective constitution. I hope with the big mandate of the president he will initiate the rewriting of the constitution and change the current political system. Edwin, 63, retired, Pampanga, Central Luzon – voted for Leody de Guzman
‘Some of the other candidates just do not understand the ordinary Filipino psyche’

It’s insanity to perpetually trap ourselves in the events that transpired in 1970s and early 80s. Some of the other candidates just do not understand the ordinary Filipino psyche. I’m a Mindanaoan, [from the south of the country] and would rather have federalism than full independence. I want a country that opens our economy to the world, free and not too tied to the west or east. We want a pragmatist like Duterte is. He’s mostly misunderstood in the west – he may be crude and brash but he thinks realistically.
I voted BBM/Sara and hope they will continue the current administration’s build, build, build programme and the drug war. I didn’t vote for BBM/Sara forgetting the horrors of the past. I voted because they are the only ones left who at least have the intention to build on what we already have today. AJ, 48, computer programmer, Cagayan de Oro – voted for Marcos Jr

I am disgusted about the results. With EDSA – the People Power revolution – on my mind, I can still vividly recall my 10-year-old self sitting atop my papa’s shoulders chanting laban [Tagalog for fight] and flashing the L sign. In that year, 1986, I was there, a part of the people power that toppled the abusive dictatorship and witnessed right before my eyes the rebirth of democracy that started from a simple yellow ribbon.
Today, 36 years after the EDSA revolution, darkness has clouded the pink ray of hope. I am dismayed and definitely not satisfied with the way the national election turned out. I am praying that every Filipino will have access to quality education, to proper healthcare, and that there will be enough nutritious food for every Filipino family’s table. Maria, 45, works in providing training and education, Albay