The Pokémon franchise has seen countless adaptations since its creation but none have made me quite as excited as Netflix's new trailer for its latest animated series, Pokémon Concierge. Set to debut in late December, the cute stop-motion show is packed with playful characters and colourful scenery – a little dose of sunshine for a gloomy winter day.
From the trailer alone, the series looks like it's going to be a wholesome slice of escapism, and what better way to unwind than on an Pokémon packed island paradise – I just wish it was real. (If you love animation, check out our collection of the best animation books for more inspiration).

The trailer follows the story of protagonist Haru, as she arrives at the Pokémon Resort to begin her job as the latest concierge. In charge of looking after the Pokémon, she must tend to their needs – a difficult task considering that Pokémon are not the chattiest creatures. There are appearances from some of my favourite Pokémon like Snorlax, Seel and even a cheeky Diglet cameo, although I suspect we will see many more iconic characters make an appearance.
According to Netflix's brief description, Haru "gradually discovers herself as she and her fellow staff members scramble to attend to the various Pokémon guests." Haru's Japanese voice actress Rena Nōnen, said in a studio tour video that the show is "really therapeutic and it makes you want to try and be the best you can be." With the cheery score and sunny visuals, I think I'm already a little obsessed with this show.
The production is in talented hands, created by Dwarf Animation who produced Netflix's adorable Rilakkuma and Kaoru series. The studio's signature fuzzy felt stop-motion style is perfect for the new Pokémon series and a pleasant change from Pokémon's usual anime style – a perfect medium to bring the cutest Pokémon to life. The show will make its Netflix debut on 28 December.
For more upcoming cuteness, check out the new Moomin game that may have convinced me to buy a Nintendo Switch or take a look at these adorable cat cookies with a wonderful design.