As many of you are probably aware, GPS technology has grown massively in golf over the last few years whether that be in watches, shot-tracking, launch monitors, simulators and so on. Additionally one particular avenue which has proven popular amongst professionals and amateurs alike are laser rangefinders.
These devices are compact, hand-held tools to help golfers get accurate, fast, reliable distances to the pin, hazards, and just general GPS information about what lies ahead. I personally love them because all I have to do is lift, point, zap the target and done. But why is this important? Well knowing how far you have to the flag is not going to guarantee that you hit your ball close, but it will ensure that you are giving yourself the best chance by using the correct club.
Now it is worth noting that the laser rangefinder market is pretty competitive with lots of different brands making high-performing models. So how do you pick the best one? Well this is where we come in, because at Golf Monthly we have tested a lot, and I mean A LOT, of lasers and we are confident we can give you honest and insightful buying advice. For example, in the copy below I have picked out seven discounted lasers, all of which we have tested and all performed very well indeed so you cannot go wrong with any of them. I personally also think this is why they would make excellent Christmas gifts because you know the golfer in your life is going to love whichever model you pick, and you can save a bit of money in the process!