A British psychic has claimed she uses her “ spiritual gift” to help couples give birth.
Anna Wilson is a spiritual fertility coach from Essex. The 39-year-old first realised she had a “gift” when she conjured the ghost of a dead Victorian child during her childhood.
Nowadays the Basildon-based mum uses her mystical gifts to help couples who want to have a baby, Essex Live reported.
But this came as a result of her and her wife's, policewoman wife Aimee Wilson, 38, own struggles to conceive.
The spiritual fertility coach has two children Olly, three, and Brooke, seven months that she said, came about in part thanks to her mystic abilities.

Although Anna was used to utilising her gift to assist others, she had never used it to help herself.
Anna and Aimee started discussing having children soon after they met in August 2014.
They decided they each wanted to have a turn carrying and birthing a child, and when blood tests at a Kent-based fertility clinic showed Anna’s egg reserves were lower than Aimee’s, it was decided she would go through fertility treatment first.

She said: “We picked a clinic, went along for a chat and they made it sound really breezy. But it wasn’t at all. A lot of women spend half their lives trying not to get pregnant.
"Then, when you do struggle to get pregnant, it’s hard.”
Anna said: “As two women, we couldn’t physically fall pregnant without fertility treatment, so we begged, borrowed and saved.

“A lot of people go on Facebook to find donors, but that wasn’t for us. We wanted to do it the right way.”
But after two failed rounds of intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment, where the sperm is inserted directly into the womb Anna said she reached her lowest point.
She said: “I remember sitting on my bed crying. I was worried my body wasn’t playing ball, I was getting older and running out of time.
"We thought it’d be so easy and simple, but it was a bit of a nightmare. I hit rock bottom."

She tried IVF, but before she did spoke to her “spiritual team” for “guidance”.
She said: “I visualised it all. I visualised my eggs fertilising, attaching to my womb, the baby in my belly as they grew – everything. Then I asked my baby to connect with me. I could see him as clear as day. He was in his mid-20s.
“My spirit guides explained this was the soul of my son. This is what he’d look like."
The IVF treatments worked first time around and she fell pregnant with Olly.

When Olly was born in June 2019, Anna claimed he looked just like he had in her visualisation.
While on maternity leave, she decided to package the tools she had found useful and now delivers them through her company Your Soul Calling and online on Instagram @annawillson_yoursoulcalling.
She said she has supported several people and even Aimee, her wife, when she struggled with getting pregnant.
Anna said: “Aimee looked at my pregnancy and birth and thought she could do it like I did. Unfortunately, she had the complete opposite experience.
“She had cysts that needed to be aspirated, got Covid and pneumonia and suffered a miscarriage at seven weeks. I think my programme really helped her to get rid of the fear.”
Anna said that through teaching Aimee meditation and visualisation, she was also able to “see” their daughter before she was born, describing how she would look and her gender.
Their second child, Brooke, was born last November and looks just as Aimee described.
Anna said: “Looking back now, everything we experienced was worth every second. All the money, the miscarriage, treatments not working. If we needed to do it 10 times over we would.
“Growing up not knowing who I was or what I wanted from life, then realising what I wanted was another woman, part of me thought I’d have to forfeit my right to have a kid. But we’re now two women with a little boy and girl and life is amazing. We’re so grateful.”