There's no denying it – while being a pet parent certainly has its challenging moments (if you've ever tried to train a cat or dog you know what I'm talking about!), most of the time, having a fur friend in the family brings so much joy.
Whether it's watching your pup race about in hot pursuit of one of the best dog toys or that sweet moment when your young kitty finally finds the confidence to pop their head through their microchip cat flap and venture into the great outdoors, owning a pet is guaranteed to make your heart melt.
While I'm a proud cat mom to two mischievous felines, I've also lived with dogs before so I have no doubt you'll find this list relatable regardless of whether your four-legged friend communicates via meows or woofs.
Ready to have your heart filled with warm fuzzies? Well, without further ado, here are the things that make my heart melt as a pet owner...
1. Getting licked

One of the sweetest ways cats show affection (and dogs, too!), getting licked is a sign that your fur friend considers you to be one of their tribe. Unless licking is excessive (in which case it can be a sign of boredom, stress, or anxiety), short periods of licking are your pet's way of telling you they love you and letting the world know you belong to them.
Want to learn more? Here are the reasons cats lick you.
2. When they rest their head in my lap

When it comes to the best things about owning a dog, it's a long list but having them rest their head in your lap is definitely near the top of heart-melting moments. Cats do it too and there's something magical about those times when you and your fur friend are completely at peace in the present moment.
3. The zoomies

We often associate the zoomies with our canine companions, but our feline friends get them, too. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of my cat's zooming about when I'm trying to get down the stairs. But when I'm not worried about breaking my legs, there's something so sweet about watching them having so much fun.
4. When I see my pets getting along

I love a harmonious home, but if you have more than one pet you don't need me to tell you that those moments of peace aren't always easy to find. While some pets will take to each other immediately and become firm friends for life, for others, it's not so instant.
When it comes to dogs and cats living together or multi-cat households, a slow and steady approach is the best way to go when it comes to introducing them to each other. They may never gel completely, but most pets can learn to tolerate one another.
5. Greeting me like I've been gone forever

Regardless of whether you have a dog or a cat, nothing beats having your beloved bundle of fluff greets you at the door when you come home. Many pets get so excited when their owners return, but perhaps the most heartwarming of all is when they greet you enthusiastically when you'd only popped briefly into another room.
Whether you've been away for five minutes or five hours, having your pet be so happy that you've come back to them definitely gives our hearts that warm fuzzy feeling.
6. Carrying their favorite toy around the house

If you have a selection of the best cat toys or dog toys in your house, chances are your pet probably has a few that are particular favorites. Our four-year-old cat, Roxy, isn't particularly attached to her toys, but our six-month-old kitten, Teddy, is constantly carrying toys around in her mouth.
Extroverted dogs and cats will often do this as a way of inviting us to play, but independent breeds who are content to play alone tend to carry toys around because they're familiar and comforting.
7. Showing their belly

When it comes to cat and dog body language cues, it can take some time to understand what it is your pet is trying to communicate to you – but once you get the hang of it, you'll start to learn how your furry friend is feeling at any particular time. While rolling onto their back can be used as a sign of submission around other animals, if your cat or dog is doing it in front of you, it's the ultimate sign of trust – which, let's be honest, is a major awww moment!
8. Tilting their head when I talk

I'm fairly certain Roxy and Teddy have no idea what I'm saying most of the time, but I'm pretty sure the feeling comes across even if the words don't. I love it when I talk to them and they tilt their head to one side like they're desperately trying to figure out what on earth this alien in front of them is trying to communicate. At the very least, even if they don't know what all those strange sounds mean, I'm pretty sure they know how much I love them.
9. Following me around the house

Yes, it's entirely possible they're just after another serving of the best dog food or a sneaky cat treat or two, but food cravings aside, our pets often follow us from room to room simply because they love us so much. Roxy is part Burmese and part British Shorthair and Teddy is a full British Shorthair, so they're known for disliking being picked up and having somewhat of an aloof side, and yet both of them are hugely family-oriented. Teddy in particular is like my second shadow and I love that she follows me everywhere – although I miss going to the bathroom in peace!
10. When their tongue sticks out just a little

As a cat mom, one of the things I find absolutely adorable is the way Teddy and Roxy will occasionally fall asleep with their little tongues slightly poking out. Of course, the fact that they're finally asleep after zooming around the house after the best interactive cat toys (and each other) for hours might play some small role in why I find this so heartwarming!
11. Adorable sleep positions

Cat and dog sleep positions are just the sweetest, aren't they? I love it when my cats are in their hammocks all curled up in a ball or with their chin resting on the edge and their paws hanging over the side – sometimes they even lie on their backs with all four paws in the air, totally blissed out. There's nothing that quite warms the heart like seeing your pet slumbering away peacefully.
12. Chasing their tail

We often associate tail chasing with dogs, but cats will grab hold of their tail and bite it when they're playing, too. It can be quite comical watching your pet running round and round in circles attempting to catch something that's already a part of them.
Wondering why dogs chase their tails? Our vet explains.
13. The way they like to check up on me to make sure I'm working

We have a joke in our house that our cats are a bit like the Human Resources department, constantly checking in on us to make sure we're working hard. It's not unusual for either Teddy or Roxy to be on our desks or sprawled across our laptops, which given they're supposed to be monitoring our work output, makes it rather hard to get anything done.
14. Petting their soft fur

There's something wonderfully soothing about stroking your dog or cat's fur. If I've had a hard day, it's amazing how much petting our cats can take away some of my stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. It really is some of the best medicine around.
15. Listening to them snore while they sleep

Whether they're curled up in the best cat tree money can buy or they're snoozing in their favorite dog bed, there are few things that make my heart melt more than hearing my pets gently snoring while they slumber.
16. Being nudged

Dog and cat communication may seem complex at first, but it's actually easier to understand than you might think. One of my favorite ways that my feline friends communicate with me is through a gentle nudge – it's sort of their way of saying 'Hey, just letting you know I'm here and ready to receive some affection' and of course, other times it's more of a 'I'm not sure if you're aware of this but my food bowl is empty.' Either way, those nudges always warm my heart.
17. The way they always know when I need some extra love

Dogs and cats are some of the best emotional support animal breeds – they seem to have an uncanny way of knowing exactly when their humans are in need of a little bit of extra attention and affection.
18. When they explore something new for the first time

I have a reputation for being rather tender-hearted and because our cats have access to the outdoors, I do worry about them when they're not safe and sound at home. Teddy is finally big enough for me to feel comfortable letting her have a bit more freedom and it was the sweetest thing watching her explore our backyard for the first time recently. There's always that lovely moment with our pets when they go from slightly hesitant and unsure to finding their confidence – it's such a wonderful thing to witness.
19. Their insistence that they must be involved in everything

How we get anything done in our house with Roxy and Teddy around I'll never know. If you have fur friends in your family you're probably very familiar with trying to cook dinner while your pet attempts to help you by climbing into cupboards or jumping up on the counter. Or perhaps you're busy sorting boxes only to find your furry friend has decided to stow away in one. One thing for certain, life with a cat or dog is anything but dull!
20. Sitting like a human

There are so many funny things cats do, but one of my absolute favorites that makes me go 'Awww' is when they sit like a human with their tail between their legs and all of their paws outstretched. I've had friends tell me their dogs do exactly the same thing, so it's clearly one of those sweet traits our fur friends have in common.
21. That adorable tail wag

Ever wondered why dogs have tails? It's partly to help them communicate. Tail-wagging is actually a learned behavior, not something that pups are born knowing how to do. They typically wag their tail around their favorite humans as a way to let them know they're happy to see them.
22. The way they inhale their food

Oh my goodness, the performance Teddy puts on when she knows the best cat food is about to land in her bowl. I have never seen a kitty so frantic to get dinner into their belly – if you saw the way she behaves at meal times (leaping around, jumping on counters and tables, pushing Roxy out of the way) you'd think we never fed her. And yet, her enthusiasm for food (which, if I'm being honest, rivals my own) is nothing short of endearing and while I know I should encourage her to slow down, the way she attacks her food with gusto never fails to make me smile.
23. When they make biscuits

When it comes to the signs of a happy cat, making biscuits (otherwise known as kneading) is one of the biggest ones. I love it when Teddy makes biscuits on my lap, it always tells me that she's feeling content – although a word of warning: if you have a feline friend and you'd like to experience the joy of having them knead your lap, make sure you're wearing thick trousers or have a blanket over your lap because boy oh boy are cat claws sharp!
24. When they make a new friend

I don't know about you, but I always find it so heartwarming when I see my beloved bundles of fluff making friends with other fur kids in the neighborhood. Because I'm a cat mom, this doesn't happen all that often but dogs are particularly great at making friends and it's always a joy watching them sprint around the park with their new best buddy.
25. Their loyalty

Everyone always says that if you want a faithful friend, get a dog – and it really is the truth. Their devotion to their humans never fails to melt my heart, but don't discount cats when it comes to loyalty either. Yes, they may be more independent than their canine brothers and sisters, but many cats are deeply loyal to their owners and never stray far from their side.
26. When they smile

While cats and dogs don't smile for the same reasons humans do (they tend to smile when they're relaxed and content not because they're feeling happy), they absolutely can sport a grin – they're just likely to do it with their mouths shut as opposed to flashing their pearly whites. Seeing Teddy and Roxy smiling never fails to give me that warm, fuzzy feeling.
27. The eye gaze

With dogs, you tend to get more of a loving stare, and with cats, you'll often get the slow blink – either way, having your pet gaze at you with eyes full of affection is enough to brighten up even the dullest of days.
28. Standing on their hind legs

I'm almost positive Roxy and Teddy were meerkats in their previous lives, what else could explain the way they stand on their hind legs at the window whenever they want to have a nosy at what the people across the street are getting up to? I very affectionately refer to them as our neighborhood watch team because I'm pretty sure they don't miss a trick when it comes to what's going on up and down our street.
29. Chasing bubbles

When it comes to how to play with a dog or cat, nothing is more whimsical or fills the heart with more joy than watching them chase bubbles around the garden. I'm not sure who enjoys it more, to be honest, me, our daughter, or the cats!
30. Talking to the birds

When it comes to things that make my heart swell, listening to Roxy try to have a conversation with the birds in our neighborhood is definitely near the top of the list. It's adorable hearing her chatter away when she's in her hammock and suddenly spies a bird outside the window – although I'm always relieved that there's glass separating them as she's most likely trying to lull them into a false sense of security before she pounces!
31. Watching them find and carry the perfect stick

Should you throw a stick for your dog? Most vets advise against playing fetch with a stick because it poses too much of a risk to your dog's health. But games of chase aside, there's something so sweet about watching a dog pick up the biggest stick they can find and try to figure out a way to keep moving forward with this giant bit of wood in their mouth.
32. When they check to make sure you're OK

I have a confession to make – I'm not a fan of yoga. I know it's supposed to be terribly good for you, but I just can't seem to get into it. That being said, occasionally I'll pop myself into what's known as the child's pose because I find it relaxing. For some reason, this worries Teddy immensely and she'll come running over and give me several licks and a nudge to make sure I'm still responsive. Pets checking on their humans to make sure they're okay is one of the most heart-melting things they do.